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Pushing Yourself Awake

NOTE: This is a two-part piece. Next week I’ll share a personal, very unexpected, encounter Irecently had. One, I believe, you can relate to. For now, enjoy this week’s preamble.  

 What I’ve seen lately is exhausted people.  Perhaps you are too. Your mind spins and you can’t sleep. You push yourself to stay awake to complete a task. You try to push time, squeezing a few more moments out of your day. 

Be mindful, you’re not sacrificing your life or health for the illusionary paradox of controlled freedom.

The same paradox knocks on your door as you step on a path to awaken spiritually. But, you don’t have control over how or when or where you awaken. It’s not a thing to pursue. You’ll not see the big picture until you do. Although, you will be graced with vivid sections of its mosaic from time to time.

You don’t have control over your spiritual awakening. Not the way you’d like...

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Rounding The Corner

I don’t know what I would do without my meditation practice. I’m sure I’d be much more of a wild child.

Our meditation practice allows us to open ourselves to our emotions and thoughts. No matter their softness or velocity of pain. Memories arise. Anger and confusion can startle us awake. Joy can settle a quivering heart with its internal dance.

Life is a powerful series of sublime and startling changes. We are always rounding corners in our lives. We do so in silent ways or we power up and move toward an intended goal.

Sometimes, when life is hard, you just want the excruciating arc of the corner to end. We want to round the corner now!

We shout, “Make it stop! Make it better!” I, too, have had my “make it better moments.”

Several months ago, my body was going in the opposite direction I wanted it to go. I was literally trying to make it move around the corner of my bed whimpering, “Come on sweet body, you just need to get around the...

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A Face Plant + "Pick Up Your Mat and Walk"

In early March I had just finished a fantastic series of teachings — Becoming a Medical Intuitive and working with a select group of healers conducting long-distance healing sessions for people who needed help.

It was a great run from early December through early March. Fabulous students and healers. Mega growth for everyone.

I had also been reading my energy field, which I always do. There were some interesting changes a foot. A move. Lots of boxes. More intriguing, was a significant span of void prior to the presentation and sequence of these two primary objects. I know there is never a true void, so I watched as all would be revealed.

The upcoming move and the boxes looked like they were banking around an airport, ready to line up with the runway to land. Yet, it wasn’t time for them to round the corner. (Remember this sentence. I’ll write more about it next time.)

After closing out the teaching sessions, I took stock as to what’s...

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Video + Heart Energy Check-In

chakra energy healing Mar 10, 2021

 As we move into Springtime, as it will be here soon, I thought I'd share this visualization with which you can explore and give the energy of your heart a little check up and pick-me-up. 

Enjoy this visualization. It was a spontaneous channeling during a recent class gathering for  the Becoming a Medical Intuitive Course. It's so important to go deep inside, especially since this past year has been crestfallen for many. 

Let the light shine within your heart like a benediction. A sutra. An energetic chant of connected universal awareness, grace and healing. Reconnect with your gifts. Feel the movement or congestion of your heart's energy and set free what needs to move along or generate more strength and resolve. 

You are a boundless soul of light and the body you have is meant to connect to the heavens, yourself, others, and earth. We do this in many ways. None more significant than the heart. 

Life is good. Life is nut-so. Life is an...

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How To Rebuild Trust


Trust offers us strength, resilience, and sure-footedness. I'm certain you've noticed trust has been shaken ... not stirred. Shaken.

The good news in all of this kerfuffle is we are given an opportunity to rise and find joy in small things again. To be given opportunities to go deep within and identify more clearly what is truly important to you and yours.

Another aspect I've noticed within the people is a new sense of self. These levels of awakening cannot be stopped. Don't try. Roll with whats new and waking up inside of you.

It's too on point and too difficult for you to ignore. You don't want to to discard these changes anyway. They are for you! For the practicality of life, as well as your  transcendent self. You are changing.

To regain trust in your world and to hear the new calling within, you have to lean into yourself a bit more. Garner the gift of discernment and go from there.

Most importantly, rediscover and listen to the spark ofLight in you. For you never...

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May Peace Be With You

Uncategorized Dec 23, 2020
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How To Open Your Intuition

 2020 has been a year of connected worry, fear, anger, sadness, and every other emotions you're capable of having. There is no better time than right now to open up and use your intuitive skills for your life and wellness. This spin cycle of tumult will pass and you’ll be ready to soar.

Intuition can feel elusive. Like you're reaching for something you know is there; yet, you can't quite grab it. As times change, we do get better. Yet, no matter how good you are at something, you still have to practice the fundamentals. In doing so, you’ll discover nuances which build even more skill.

 Developing intuition — for life, holistic healing work, or business — requires knowing how you uniquely access this type of information and information in general.

 Given that all things are made of energy, the question remains, how do we begin to sense it accurately? We all sense energy. Where we get stuck is in our interpretation and accuracy.


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A Message + What's Next and What to Do About It

You have an incredible power. It's the power to choose and to create from your choices.

In challenging times, there are seeds of greatness within you ready to sprout. When trouble rounds the corner, solutions are either embedded within the problem or sit on its periphery.

Either way, solutions are within your intuitive grasp.

No matter what you’re facing. You’ll never lose your capacity to choose, to create, and to change. Even if circumstances limit your sense of freedom in the moment.

When change is upon us, to the degree that it is currently, we often feel numb and powerless. Those feelings are normal; given we're standing at an evolutionary fork in the road. It's hard to remain yippee skippy when you feel something is afoot.

More changes are just around the corner. Like in just a few days…. We will begin to feel the shift by the end of this week Then, within 160 days or so, we will rise again, tenderly at first. Then more solidly. Life will carry on and we...

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Cultivating Grace in the Midst of Crazy

To you … gentle souls in the midst of crazy change. To all empaths, creatives, intuitives, and healers of all manner. Life is asking you to step up, to be strong and steady.

 Your clarity is essential, as you can feel the reverberation, making us all lean toward what’s next.

 As you manage your days, I’m certain you can hear the tone of  these distinct beseeching signals. Now, it’s time to cultivate even more internal self-awareness and grace.

 I’m also confident you’re keenly aware of how your intuitive system is being activated, guiding you as to how you care of yourself, your loved ones, work, and gage the direction in which life is taking you. 

Your soul’s energy is out in the “everywhere” sending and receiving signals of charged, undulating information. Are you listening?

For the moment, let’s bring in our focus in a bit. Let's bring grace into the picture, which can cultivate a more...

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Awaken Your Perception and Unfreeze Yourself

Uncategorized May 13, 2020
  1. “Enlightenment is not found within the shallow furrows of the status quo.
    When you stand at the rim of your own ego
    and face the attendant chaos, you illuminate your soul.”   



Now more than ever, our inner work matters. Our lives and bodies are impacted with very personal challenges, along with global pain.

This is unparalleled collective stress. And we thought life was stressful before!

There are very few on our blue planet who don’t feel this simultaneous soupy stress in which we currently find ourselves.

Keep steady though. It’s temporary.

It’s also evolutionary. A tectonic jutting of unstable and upward thrusting plates of consciousness in which potential is abundant. Rest assured. There are ways through it.

We’ll all look back and remember…as we look forward to better days.

Years ago, way past a winter’s nightfall, I’d come home frosty from forehead to feet after relentless...

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