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A Video - The Healing Tapestry of Your Stories

In embracing your stories, you’ll find an unencumbered spot of grace. Let’s go on a journey of power, purpose, and courage. Let’s honor our stories of how we got from there to here.
 Read on, and as you do, you'll see a link to a video. I had the sincere honor of joining Andrea Jaeger, former world champion women's tennis player and now founder of the Little Star Foundation. Andrea is still and will alwasy be a champion, now making life better for children living with cancer and their families. Joining in the conversation is Andrea's co-host Karen Vazquez. Karen, herself, is a miracle! She was diagnosed with cancer as a child and had a 2% chance of survival.
Life is filled with miracles. I know youv'e experienced them too. Click Here to watch Part 1 of The Little Star Light Podcast with Andrea, Karen, and myself.
And now back to you!  
You're a significant human being. You've been through a think or two in your life. And you're...
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Author, Adelaide Lenox: A Journey of Healing and Empowerment

cancer courage healing Oct 02, 2022

(NOTE: We had a little difficulty with audio so Adelaide is on her phone. You'll hear the difference and what's most important though, is her wisdom, courage and story. May all beings be well.)

I’m joined by a heroic and wise woman — Adelaide Lenox. After being told she had a year to live at the young age of 13, the now 44-year-old survivor learned so much about listening to her own intuition. She took steps on her journey to heal instead of cure, which made all the difference. She shares her wisdom how healing can occur in many different forms.

Leading up to a cancer diagnosis, it’s easy to think you are invincible. That’s how it was for today’s guest, Adelaide Lenox, until the day she learned that she had malignant cancer. When life threw her the toughest curveball yet, she realized that while it is important to listen to doctors, it is more important to listen to yourself. 

After being told she had a year to live at the young age of...

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Standing Strong & Courageous

courage mystical path Jun 25, 2022

Stand or sit where you are and keep on reading. 

Uhhh, but I guess you can’t look at your feet if you’re reading!

Yet, whether you’re lying down, sitting, or standing, take a second and look at your beautiful feet. For just a moment, look away from the computer or phone and yep, look at your feet.

Lean over touch them if you can. 

You may have sore feet; bones that have their own agenda; touchy fascia; toes that have been bumped and now have curvy directions all their own; or you may wear prosthetics. 

Take your time and really look at your feet. 

They are the feet of a mystic. Perhaps you didn’t realize this. Yet, it’s true. 

It’s true as you seek contemplation, self-awareness and have personal, unanticipated, non-judgmental experiences with that which is beyond yourself. 

We all have tough times with mountains to climb and valleys into which we can slide. Yet, look at your courageous feet. They'll carry...

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Open & Connect To Your Guidance

When I write, I settle into a comfy chair and squiggle (one of my fave words) around until it's just right. Hot tea at the ready. I close my eyes to chill and check in with my inner guidance system. 

“Are we in sync?” 

Yep, all lined up! 

I love the feeling of one’s inner wiring fully on and connected. Don’t you? 

This time when I opened my eyes, I immediately focused on a wooden statue of my Dad's, which now sits on my mantle. It's a statue of Jesus casting seeds, which sat on his desk for nearly 60 years. 

Since my eyes zoned in on Jesus, instead of my wood-crafted gnomes named Renaldo and Oswald, I  felt inspired to ask Jesus a question. 

Why not? He's my go-to and we have access to all things and sacred hearts.

And so I ask:  “What can I do for you today?” 

The response: 

 “Be happy.” 

“I can do that.” I said out loud with a slight impish...

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Finding Your New Horizon

How have you been lately? 

The roller coaster years are still a bit in play. But hey! It’s getting better; yet, the flow of our lives have been rerouted. Our paths are changing. 

A good thing.

I wanted to say “Hi!” and check in with you.  Let’s do a temperature check — 

How is your physical health? Are you feeling well, or are you experiencing overwhelm or discomfort, hair loss, etc? 

Seriously, hair loss is a big deal for many right now! (…hint, more on this in an upcoming podcast on covid stress rebounding.) 

How is your intuitive health? Feeling confident in what you’re receiving? Or has your trust regarding your inner voice gotten a wee bit shaky or stymied? 

And your happiness factor — your mental and spiritual health? Do you feel like you’re in your groove and a solid routine allows you take on the day? 

Do you feel alignment within yourself? Or is your mind and heart wandering...

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Happiest Holidays 2021

change courage intuition Dec 24, 2021

Blessings to you and yours this Holiday Season. It’s been my delight and joy to connect with so many of you throughout the year. You’re some of the bravest, brightest, and delightful people I know.

But it hasn’t been easy. Some of you have lost loved ones. I'm truly so very sorry.... Some have given or are about to give birth - life renewing itself. Some of you have found that sense of deep love for yourself - a love unlike any other. A blessing.

A few of you have written their books, which have been dancing in your hearts and energy fields for a long time. Congratulations! Many of you are getting started on your deeper purpose and leaping forward, which is so exciting! Others are redefining your next steps through healing and coping illnesses. My prayers are sent to you daily.

It's time dearest ones to get well, get clear, and herald life's new revelations. 

We’re living life in the middle of life and we all need to just keep going. 

I say,...

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