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Positive Change Is Born From Visions of Gratitude

Wow, I can’t believe how fast summer is peeling by!

We can’t slow down the clock.  But as intuitive people, we can move our perspective. We can shift our intuitive lens— slow down or leap forward in what we think of as time.

I’m feeling a lot of gratitude as we head into one of my favorite months. August. I like August so much because it’s the first month, pretty much halfway through August, where I start to notice the angle of incidence of the sun is changing, as we move towards the fall equinox.

The shadows of the trees are not as vertical. The shadows are starting to shift angles as the sun makes its way toward the southern hemisphere.

I know it sounds so geeky. But I just can’t help myself. All of you empaths reading this, well, I know you feel it too! You not only see the shadows change, you feel it—you feel the change.

Those of you in the southern hemisphere have your own experience too. You can feel the sun coming down toward...

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Become Your Most Positive Self

alignment enlightenment Jul 16, 2022

I hope you’re doing well and life is good. I know for some, this might be a big ask. Today, I want to share three organic phases you can move through to transform yourself into the most positive sense of self you can in the moment. 

Life reflects the lens through which we view it. You know, when I hop on a call with a client, I always ask, “How are you? Often times their response goes something like this. 

“Well, if everything was great I wouldn’t be calling.” That’s true for them in the moment. 

As a human being; as someone of service; and as a medical intuitive my hours are designed to help transform problems, pointing toward a true and positive direction.

Focusing on what is; what’s next; and the new direction(s) to move toward in which myself or clients/students want to go. Always in the safest and most efficient way, moving along the most positive path. 

Taking the high road, the positive path, is not always...

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3 Key Truths About Being Intuitive

Uncategorized Jul 10, 2022

It’s a rare kinda lazy day here and I actually had a few quiet hours.  Sweet! 

I was thinking about some of my most blessed moments, when intuition has stepped in to save the day. That watchful eye and voice is so comforting; and I know this voice is not outside of us. 

I was thinking about what intuitive moments like have in common. Aspects of which have saved both my life and sanity. 

Life can mind-boggling, heart exploding (in a good way and even when sadness comes around - growth is good). Life is truly beyond anything I could’ve ever imagined. How about you? You can't make this stuff up, can you?

 To me, life is one “Bring it!” moment. No matter what it’s bringing! 

When it comes to intuition, I admit, when I was in my dingy, dark night of the soul, I used to cast off intuitive insights like a scratchy mohair sweater. 

Other times my intuitive life has jettisoned me up and out so fast I...

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What's Your Favorite Spiritual Practice

healing self-care Jul 03, 2022

I had a great A-Ha moment a while ago and wanted to share it with you. It might be something you’d like to try out for your life too. 

But first, what’s your favorite type of spirit growth work?  You know, inner focused meditations and visualizations, walking in nature, ready inspiring books? 

Let me know; and I trust you’re getting some serene time in during your busy weekend. 

Do you like to sit and breathe, watching the power of your breath fill your body with vital oxygen and energy, while your mind does its dance and…then it’s back to the breath?

That’s my baseline staple, morning and night. And often times in-between. 

Do you love to go hang out with your trusted guides and angels?

Yep, me too. You know, they love to hang out with us too. 

God and the companions thereof always have a watchful presence when it comes to us. 

It may be tough as a human at times. Sometimes, more frequently than we’d...

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Standing Strong & Courageous

courage mystical path Jun 25, 2022

Stand or sit where you are and keep on reading. 

Uhhh, but I guess you can’t look at your feet if you’re reading!

Yet, whether you’re lying down, sitting, or standing, take a second and look at your beautiful feet. For just a moment, look away from the computer or phone and yep, look at your feet.

Lean over touch them if you can. 

You may have sore feet; bones that have their own agenda; touchy fascia; toes that have been bumped and now have curvy directions all their own; or you may wear prosthetics. 

Take your time and really look at your feet. 

They are the feet of a mystic. Perhaps you didn’t realize this. Yet, it’s true. 

It’s true as you seek contemplation, self-awareness and have personal, unanticipated, non-judgmental experiences with that which is beyond yourself. 

We all have tough times with mountains to climb and valleys into which we can slide. Yet, look at your courageous feet. They'll carry...

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Evolving Your Place and Peace

Firstly, Happy Father’s Day to those of you who are fathers. Those who are both father and mother to your kids or others. And to those father’s who are in Spirit. "Hi! Love you Dad!"

Secondarily, how are you doing, really?  That line is repeated over and over in Downton Abby, so I couldn’t help myself.

I’ve been soaking up the episodes of Downton. Why? I love the music; the velvet green hills and significant trees of England; the costumes; and besides, it’s peaceful. Okay, it’s easy to fall asleep to while in my comfy chair. 

You know, peace of mind and body is my imperative these days. Anyone raising their hand out there?

The world is a bit on a tilt, and I’m sure no one is surprised. Evolution is not easy. And my darling friends we are in it and heading for the next doorway. 

This is a good thing because, thank goodness, you’re awake and aware; therefore, you are an integral part of the solution. ...

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Open & Connect To Your Guidance

When I write, I settle into a comfy chair and squiggle (one of my fave words) around until it's just right. Hot tea at the ready. I close my eyes to chill and check in with my inner guidance system. 

“Are we in sync?” 

Yep, all lined up! 

I love the feeling of one’s inner wiring fully on and connected. Don’t you? 

This time when I opened my eyes, I immediately focused on a wooden statue of my Dad's, which now sits on my mantle. It's a statue of Jesus casting seeds, which sat on his desk for nearly 60 years. 

Since my eyes zoned in on Jesus, instead of my wood-crafted gnomes named Renaldo and Oswald, I  felt inspired to ask Jesus a question. 

Why not? He's my go-to and we have access to all things and sacred hearts.

And so I ask:  “What can I do for you today?” 

The response: 

 “Be happy.” 

“I can do that.” I said out loud with a slight impish...

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Awakening To Your Field

Awakening is something you experience every moment of your day. It’s your ability to recognize the process of awakening and falling back to sleep to varying degrees that’s interesting to observe. 

We often think of awakening as being spiritual and it is. Of course. As we lean into our practices, we tend to turn a focused lens in a spiritual direction. 

However, as many of you know and have experienced, awakenings come through the body, the mind, your energy, your emotional self and they are, most certainly, driven by your soul … and your destiny.

Our lives move in a conveyor-like trajectory; from Spirit to soul to self to soul to Spirit.

It’s a circular, multi-dimensional, seamless process. Yet, it’s not to be equated with an easy path. It can certainly be smooth and it can also feel as if you’ve been hit with rocks and boulders. 

Your life is in and out of form more, perhaps, than you realize. Think about that for a moment....

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Finding Your New Horizon

How have you been lately? 

The roller coaster years are still a bit in play. But hey! It’s getting better; yet, the flow of our lives have been rerouted. Our paths are changing. 

A good thing.

I wanted to say “Hi!” and check in with you.  Let’s do a temperature check — 

How is your physical health? Are you feeling well, or are you experiencing overwhelm or discomfort, hair loss, etc? 

Seriously, hair loss is a big deal for many right now! (…hint, more on this in an upcoming podcast on covid stress rebounding.) 

How is your intuitive health? Feeling confident in what you’re receiving? Or has your trust regarding your inner voice gotten a wee bit shaky or stymied? 

And your happiness factor — your mental and spiritual health? Do you feel like you’re in your groove and a solid routine allows you take on the day? 

Do you feel alignment within yourself? Or is your mind and heart wandering...

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Masks, Elevators and Enlightenment - Tools For Spiritual Tidying #3

Elevators, masks and enlightenment...let's chat.

Spiritual Tidying, or any clean-up job, requires self-control, inspiration and dedication to the task at hand; all for the desired result of uncluttered flow, spaciousness and a more obvious, vibrant connection with the important things in your life. 

But elevators?

Ride along with me for a little FAQ on shiny distractions and psychological control. 

Passenger elevators came into existence in the mid 1800's, along with new construction techniques, demonstrating that architects would now be able to successfully elevate building heights. This allowed for the utilization of vertical space as opposed to massive amounts of horizontal space. Makes sense.

I do find it interesting that there were significant spiritual movements at that time as well. hmmm... technology and spirituality growing at the same time. it's called, The Second Great Awakening. 

Back to elevators... 

 From the mid 19th Century to...

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