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Masks, Elevators and Enlightenment - Tools For Spiritual Tidying #3

Elevators, masks and enlightenment...let's chat.

Spiritual Tidying, or any clean-up job, requires self-control, inspiration and dedication to the task at hand; all for the desired result of uncluttered flow, spaciousness and a more obvious, vibrant connection with the important things in your life. 

But elevators?

Ride along with me for a little FAQ on shiny distractions and psychological control. 

Passenger elevators came into existence in the mid 1800's, along with new construction techniques, demonstrating that architects would now be able to successfully elevate building heights. This allowed for the utilization of vertical space as opposed to massive amounts of horizontal space. Makes sense.

I do find it interesting that there were significant spiritual movements at that time as well. hmmm... technology and spirituality growing at the same time. it's called, The Second Great Awakening. 

Back to elevators... 

 From the mid 19th Century to...

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Feel the Love ~ Spiritual Tidying Up Energetically #2

chaos energy healing intuition Jan 13, 2022

How are you? Seriously? Lots cookin’ out there in the multi-verse. 

Firstly, I hope you and your loved ones are well. We’ll get through this OMG Omicron wave too. These days we all have a covid story or two to tell, as the degree of separation regarding this global experience is basically at 0 degrees.

April will begin to feel a lot better. Hang in there! (Years 2016.5 - 2029/2030 are what I call The Hot Years of our generations. …more on this in a few weeks.)

Last week’s blog, Tools for Spiritual Tidying - Mental Clutter has a great practice, which can bring a great deal of peace, self-awareness and clear direction and insights for your work, dreams, curiosities and life. I hope you’ve taken it for a test drive. If not… zooom over and give it a spin. 

 This week, let’s jump into Spiritual Tidying from an invisible impact point of view. Actually, nothing is invisible to your intuitive system and that’s my...

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Tools for Spiritual Tidying #1 - A Three-Part Series

(Have fun with the Practice!)

So! Okay! We’re forward facing into 2022. 

We’ve tidied up our homes; put away bows and ribbons, our sacred and joyful items which bring our holy days to Light. 

I don’t know about you but I see a ton of videos and post on social about 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5+ steps to have the most awesome, abundant, productive and best year of your entire life EVER!

Nothing wrong with this. Our society and nervous systems are conditioned that December 31st is the end of the year. Period. The END of the line. Buh-bye 2021! And a “flying-finger-of-fate of good riddance” for some. 

Some of these ideas are actually helpful reminders. For me, and I believe for you, we know everything begins with Spirit. 

Our path, passion and purpose are delivered to us through the voice of our deepest self. Our truest sense of wonder and truth. 

The path to your place of origin is the place to begin decluttering. Kind of like the community...

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Happiest Holidays 2021

change courage intuition Dec 24, 2021

Blessings to you and yours this Holiday Season. It’s been my delight and joy to connect with so many of you throughout the year. You’re some of the bravest, brightest, and delightful people I know.

But it hasn’t been easy. Some of you have lost loved ones. I'm truly so very sorry.... Some have given or are about to give birth - life renewing itself. Some of you have found that sense of deep love for yourself - a love unlike any other. A blessing.

A few of you have written their books, which have been dancing in your hearts and energy fields for a long time. Congratulations! Many of you are getting started on your deeper purpose and leaping forward, which is so exciting! Others are redefining your next steps through healing and coping illnesses. My prayers are sent to you daily.

It's time dearest ones to get well, get clear, and herald life's new revelations. 

We’re living life in the middle of life and we all need to just keep going. 

I say,...

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Cultivate The Energy of Gratitude

awaken energy gratitude Dec 05, 2021

Refresh your energy, boost your empathic sense of security and protection, by cultivating gratitude. It’s a powerful antidote to dissolve anxiety and worry. 

Take some time and enjoy this healing visualization. It will help clear your energy, balance your body, and fill your heart with gratitude.

As we close out 2021, it’s important to find the places where gratitude thrived and cultivate even more!

Lots of love,


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"Waiting For Your Answers

change guidance intuition Nov 21, 2021

When we seek help from our hearts and the heavens, wouldn't it be just peachy if the answers would arrive super fast? 

Sometimes they do. Sometimes they don’t. We know, though, answers arrive right on time. They always do — not a second too early; not a second too late.

It’s hard to be patient with this universal delivery system; especially, when we get anxious or fearful or when we really just want to solve a practical problem. Answers can be elusive and sneak around, weaving in and around the corners of our mind for quite some time. 

I believe it has to do with committed survival on a new level. Are we really ready to go to the next level? All parts of us — body, mind and spirit have to agree to the “yes.”  We need to be willing to show up and face the unknown. Good times, right?

Even if we’re a bit sheepish; a willingness to rise IS required to rise. That's spiritual physics. 

You all know I am crazy in love...

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Ode To Red Pants Girl


Joy and rounds of applause for the wonders of you! 

Ode To Red Pants Girl  


Two sisters climb the hill. Ice skate blades scape and clang as the girls, ages six and eight, weave through frosted pine bows. The soggy, muddy-bottomed six-year-old knew going home was flat out wrong and finally shouted, “No! I wanna skate!” 

With determination, little sis spun around, stomped through their 5” deep snow prints, plopped down at the pond’s frozen edge, put her skates on and flew onto the ice to spin and grin and glide into arabesques. 

Watching her little sister’s icy red pants perform an about face and march back toward the ice gobsmacked her big sister. The determined optimism of her little sister to go for it alone and to be alone on the ice when the afternoon’s light was fading, cemented a new perspective regarding her baby sister.

From that day forward, little sis was known as "Red Pants Girl."


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Small Steps Toward Awakening Moments

I love Fall. Probably because I’m October born. I remember walking with my dad to and from the park, scooting through the scarlet and gold maple leaves. I can still smell their crisp scent.

The hill going down was a blast. “Whee!” Was one of my dad’s favorite words.

Going up the hill… not so much. Yet, his voice and mountain climbing lessons stayed with me, “Take tiny steps.”

At the foot of the hill our feet were grounded and solid. Tight shouldered we’d stand together and wiggle with readiness. He’d say, “Let’s go for it!”

He always set up an arduous task by first finding joy.

Our feet would scoot like diminutive Geishas, winding zig-zag up the road, pretending we’re traveling up a hairpin mountain road.

He’d remind me to pace myself; "Small steps make all the difference."

When you have a quiet moment, think about what you’ve learned from the very beginning of your life and how that has...

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Pushing Yourself Awake For Heaven's Sake

Last week I wrote about pushing yourself awake and how important it is to relax as you follow your spiritual path.

Awakenings happen when they happen. Usually when you least expect it.

It happened to a friend and me a few weeks ago when I took a him to a doctor. As we walked into the office a song was piping through their audio system, “I breathe in grace… I exhale grace” was the song’s refrain.

We sat down. A wave came over me and I just wanted to cry. In fact, I did. Trying ever-so-cooly to wipe away my tears, as if I had allergies. Ha!

Over and over the song played and it simply popped my heart. You know the feeling when a lyric surpasses your brain and surprisingly sings to your soul.

I knew I was being queued up by the heavens; yet, I didn’t know why. I simply was.

During my friend’s exam, the doctor looked at me only once. And once was enough. He looked at my friend’s health record and noted he had a stroke a few years ago.


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Pushing Yourself Awake

NOTE: This is a two-part piece. Next week I’ll share a personal, very unexpected, encounter Irecently had. One, I believe, you can relate to. For now, enjoy this week’s preamble.  

 What I’ve seen lately is exhausted people.  Perhaps you are too. Your mind spins and you can’t sleep. You push yourself to stay awake to complete a task. You try to push time, squeezing a few more moments out of your day. 

Be mindful, you’re not sacrificing your life or health for the illusionary paradox of controlled freedom.

The same paradox knocks on your door as you step on a path to awaken spiritually. But, you don’t have control over how or when or where you awaken. It’s not a thing to pursue. You’ll not see the big picture until you do. Although, you will be graced with vivid sections of its mosaic from time to time.

You don’t have control over your spiritual awakening. Not the way you’d like...

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