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Worrying? Listen to Your Wisdom

Uncategorized Sep 23, 2018

The other morning, I woke up with a certain flavor of thoughts scooting through my mind. They were heading toward the worrying sort. 

They would have become self-defeating crunchy thoughts, if I wasn’t paying attention. I had a lot on my plate at the time. I bet you know exactly what I'm talking about.

I actually don't mind waking up with a checklist going through my mind. It doesn’t happen on most days. Yet, when it does, it indicates the most prevalent issues to which I can, and must, apply action.

It's up to me to get those metaphoric puppies off my plate. No one else is going to do it for me! Even if I’m going to delegate something, I need to show up and delegate it first.

If I don't take action, I'm simply adding worrisome, jacked-up kindling to my mind’s fire. Nope, not going there.

Worrying is downright uncomfortable. Useless. It’s a real drag on time; not to mention a buzzkill.  And Lordy don't you know it; those thoughts were heading...

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The Big Sunday Snooze

Uncategorized Sep 09, 2018

After the age of twelve, it seems like every season of the year is busier. I often think of soft afternoons when I’d climb the crooked pine boards nailed into the willow tree in our back yard. I’d make myself at home on the platforms my brother and his pals hammered into the tree. (Sorry tree.) But it was a mighty tree and a magnificent fort. That’s where I’d rest on sunny or misty days. That was my spot; on the willow’s highest tier.

What was your dreamy summer spot?

The last few busy crazy weeks of summer reminded me that rest and checking in with my body is a favorite and necessary thing to do. How about you?

My sister Christine and I joke about how we can assign ourselves things to do if we get bored. Christine is the Queen of self-assignments. In fact, her nickname is Busy Bee! That’s how she earned her Ph.D. Rest and reflection? Well, she’s working on it.

Sister Kate is good at chilling; especially, after a hectic day of...

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How to Interpret Intuitive Information

Uncategorized Sep 02, 2018

In The Circle Meditation, I take you through a first-steps process regarding how to read your own energy field.

Developing your ability to read your energy field is as important as being able to go within your own body and assess what's going on —emotionally, physically, energetically, and spiritually.

You care for your body on the outside — your skin, hair, clothing, and your environment. Caring for yourself on the inside — food, stillness, intuitive self-awareness is no less important. In fact, I think it’s even more important. What’s going on regarding the inside your body matters most of all.

This week, I've created an audio for you that I trust will help answer a few of your most burning questions:

  • Where does the information come from?
  • Can I trust it?
  • What do I do when my intuition suddenly opens up?
  • What do I do with intuitive information like seeing colors, feeling odd things like electricity swooshing through my body, or hearing sounds that no...
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How to Ready Your Energy Field

Uncategorized Aug 28, 2018

Sometimes you lose faith in life’s process. You wish things were different. When you feel this way, you could reboot your affirmations. Affirmations can be confirming reflective prayers about what you know to be true for your life. That’s a good thing.

But the horror of misguided affirmations is that you can enter into the endless maze of wishful thinking, trying to manifest this or that. Wishful thinking is often based on what other people are doing and saying outside of yourself. Your best bet is to guide yourself with a true inner compass.

Speak your words out loud. That way your body’s nervous system integrates the positive impact of your words in your physical body. Keeping affirmations in your head is not the best way to move your world.

But, I digress. This blog is not about affirmations per se. It is about being able to read what is coming in and out of your field. Nonetheless, what you think and say to yourself, out loud or in the silence of your heart and...

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A Meditation for Difficult Times

Uncategorized Jul 29, 2018

The other night I went to sleep delightfully soaked with grace regarding my life. It was certainly not about things that I have or wish I would acquire. My thoughts were wrapped around the most important things in my life. That I am alive on this gorgeous planet. And that I have people who, I love and extend their love to me.

I fell asleep and had a dream in which I was supporting someone who had a burdened heart. They were trying to find their place in the world — something we have all experienced. As I watched myself comfort them in the dream I spoke these words.

(…and I am heeding these words for myself. One never discards grace.)

“Stay alive for yourself. You are always going to meet someone who will tick you off, make you question what you’re doing with your life or fall in love, even if it only lasts for five seconds.

“Stay alive for yourself. This planet in life is too beautiful to leave.”

As a medical intuitive I am often required to go...

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How to Recharge Your Core Energy

Uncategorized Jul 08, 2018

What can do when you just can’t keep going anymore? Your mind has too many thoughts. Your brain doesn’t know how to organize those thoughts and your body feels crowded by an encroaching sphere of chaos.

That feeling of just being ahead of careening energy isn’t your imagination. It’s a reflection of imbalance and lost mojo. Stress displaces and clogs our energy. It jams nervous system’s signals and jacks up (or down) hormones.

When this happens your body and energy fields are at odds. Energy and the chaotic mind are pushing your nervous system’s receptivity — your empathic radar — out toward the leading edge of your energy field, anticipating “what’s next.”

There is a way to find balance the moment when you realize you’re being hijacked by your own thoughts.

This simple practice can be thin-sliced depending on what you do in the moment. It will help to align and recharge your...

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How To Feel Safe In The Midst Of Chaos

Uncategorized Jun 24, 2018


In order to stay calm in the midst of chaos you first have to choose to make changes regarding how you respond. This is not always easy, especially when you’re scared and the adrenaline is running amuck in your body. Nonetheless, you can change.

Firstly, remember the three main points in the video above: no matter what happens, you will always be okay; you are loved, and you are never alone – you have unseen help. These are your foundational tools.

Secondly, make a choice and promise yourself that you’ll do your best to wake up, consciousness-wise, and respond differently to things that scare or upset you. This takes time and commitment regarding your choice to change.

Thirdly, remember healing and change is a process. Be kind to yourself. You’re not perfect. No one is. Walk your path one step at a time.

Finally, remember to put yourself in other people’s shoes for a moment. Be empathically aware of what the big picture is. That will...

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Understanding Your Bodyā€™s Point of View

Uncategorized May 06, 2018


Today I want to offer you three tips to help you through the Holiday season. The tips below and the podcast above will help you keep in touch with your body and what you need to create a more relaxed and enjoyable time … and life.

One: Take time to do short relaxing transitions. It’s important to take longer breaks and relax during more chaotic times. However, when you don’t have a lot of time, it’s important to learn how to create short transition times. Transition time is when you’re moving from one situation to another. So when you jump in the car, come home from work, or get ready to head out to a party, take some time to gather yourself in.

My favorite thing to do is sit in the car for a few minutes. No radio. No cell phone. Just me and my thoughts. Breathe. Give yourself a moment to collect yourself before you jump into the next activity. This is very useful during the Holidays. It’s a great habit to cultivate and to keep all year...

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How To Have More Energy

Uncategorized Apr 08, 2018

As I mentioned in last week’s post, the last eight or nine months have been really wild. The world seems to have shifted gears into a high-voltage, chaotic energy. My sense is that it will be calming down, reestablishing a new baseline.

For now though, I want to share with you three simple steps to help you recapture your energy, in case it has scooted off somewhere. Feel more balanced and then maintain it, so you’ll feel more energized throughout your day.
That way, you can handle the things you have to handle. And maintain vibrant, bright, and happy energy. 
Step One: Calm Your Energy
You can’t use your intuition or intellect if your mind and energy systems look or feel like a Jackson Pollock painting. 



The fastest, easiest, and most convenient way to calm your energy is by calming your breathing. I know. I know. You know this. But are you doing it?

When you know, but don’t do…do you really know?...

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Stop Searching for WHO You Are

Uncategorized Mar 11, 2018

It’s been pretty busy lately, right? Time crunches. Quick little monkey minds clouding your decision making. And if you’re like me, and most of my clients, transformation seems to be the buzzword in our hearts and souls.

I wanted to share with you a practice for connecting and being kind to yourself in transformational times. The BIG tip is reconnecting with your root. When you connect to the deepest part of yourself, you are more likely to love yourself and your life right where you are. Then, change happens more easily. No matter the speed at which life is moving you along, or holding you in place, change is happening. Inside and out.

Firstly, I believe it’s important to remind yourself “WHAT” you are. We are often searching for “WHO AM I?” Shouting out to the heaven, “Who am I and what do you want me to do?” However, you...

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Calm your body, find balance, and understand your empathic gifts

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