In this podcast I breakdown the three categories of our life’s search for purpose and deeper meaning. It’s a paradigm I developed and call “Life Purpose Radius.”
Listen and discover the dynamic sphere of influence you have inside which pulls you to your destiny. From this place, you will live a life you’ll dearly love and maintain contentment; even in life’s tougher moments. You’ll know and feel you’re on track. How refreshing!
The three Life Purpose Radii are:
Local — Regional — Global
I know Global can sound really exciting and sexy; but, each one has their own unique power, purpose, and resonance. They have their own special grace, leading you toward, truly, the life of your dreams and your happy spot.
All three work together and rise and fall within us. Yet, there is one radius in particular that is our North Star, our guide to our best life.
My sister...
Isn’t it grand to be an empathic person, feeling everything. Couple that with the daring, rascal-like nature of our minds and “Oh merde!”
Perhaps you’re like me and have a scrappy mind and when given the opportunity it will head south in a nanosecond.
Breaking free of sour thoughts can be a long journey; one we take each in our own way. Me, I’m a paradigm buster; at least a part of me wants to declare it so.
Another part is resistant. It’s where the old paradigm exists and fights for its sour patch survival within my internal territory. Our soured thoughts will gang up on us just to keep itself alive.
Sour patch thoughts await the oops and then pounce.
Sooooo, here’s my latest OOPS and inner mindfulness training vis-à-vis the podcast launch.
My team and I have been working super hard to get the podcast up and relaunched. The amazing Adelaide Lenox, the author of EMPOWERED, was my guest for the reentry show. She is a...
(NOTE: We had a little difficulty with audio so Adelaide is on her phone. You'll hear the difference and what's most important though, is her wisdom, courage and story. May all beings be well.)
I’m joined by a heroic and wise woman — Adelaide Lenox. After being told she had a year to live at the young age of 13, the now 44-year-old survivor learned so much about listening to her own intuition. She took steps on her journey to heal instead of cure, which made all the difference. She shares her wisdom how healing can occur in many different forms.
Leading up to a cancer diagnosis, it’s easy to think you are invincible. That’s how it was for today’s guest, Adelaide Lenox, until the day she learned that she had malignant cancer. When life threw her the toughest curveball yet, she realized that while it is important to listen to doctors, it is more important to listen to yourself.
After being told she had a year to live at the young age of...
This practice is calming and peaceful. Make this a part of your healing playlist to use when you feel your mind is moving too fast and you notice your energy is way too hyper in your body. Drop it down, kindly and gently with this practice.
It is true, in order for our minds to be clear, our intuition snappy and accurate, we must be grounded. Your energetic center of gravity has to be lower and deeper in your precious body. And you’re worth it. Your nervous system will thank you as well.
Many years ago, when I was still in the process of getting used to my new level of physical sight I had a dream.
In the dream I was in a darkened, yet, very pleasant room. I was cleaning a large mirror.
Some of the mirror’s surface was clear, some was slightly dusty. Some was smudged, almost to the point of not being able to see a reflection.
A large part of the mirror had no dust, no smears or smudges and still no refection. It was pure. It was into this section I was drawn. My whole being went deep within the mirror. I became the mirror.
Suddenly, back outside and now looking at the mirror, I knew I had work to do. My eyes landed on the part of the mirror’s surface which was dusty. As soon as I looked at the dust, I found myself, cloth in hand, now cleaning the mirror.
At one point in the dream, I stood back to check my progress. It didn’t seem like I was making any headway on the mirror’s dust-coated surface.
And there it...
I do, I do. I do love the subtleness of energy.
Subtle energy is the essence of everything. It is there at the beginning point of change, of greatness yet born. Of dreams coming into form and the gentle awakening of one's heart.
A question I have for you, because he there's a lot of subtle and not-so-subtle energy out there; how do you handle subtle energy?
I admit, sometimes I blow right past it. Sometimes, I recognize I have not lost my Momma Bear speed. You know that part of you that carries 5 - 10 bags of groceries into the house at once.
The part of you that can strip a bed like a martial artist in 30 seconds or less.. The part of you who has lists galore on paper, on your phone, and in your head. Lists, that when to you do a task, and you DIDN’T put it on your list; you write it on your list and then cross it off!
Can I get an Amen on that one!?
What I was reminded of during my adventures at family summer...
I trust all is going well with you!
I’ve been working in the EU and seeing family who live in Italy. I know, tough stuff right? With COVID, we’ve been communicating like so many others, through the looking glass of FaceTime. Grateful.
Right now, I’m in Frankfurt, Germany working with some folks. A common burning question with this group was, “With the economies the way they are, war close to us, and all the stress and such of COVID, how can I really create the life I want?”
Tough questions many of us are asking from around the world.
How do I create a meaningful, happy life—this is an ancient human question. It’s the ultimate personal quest.
Each question we ask ourselves is a quest.
The very word question, Latin ‘quaerere’ means to seek, to examine, to investigate; the suffix tion—the action, the result.
The quest today?
Here are 3 stages of healing to help you turn situations around. Consider,...
Wow, I can’t believe how fast summer is peeling by!
We can’t slow down the clock. But as intuitive people, we can move our perspective. We can shift our intuitive lens— slow down or leap forward in what we think of as time.
I’m feeling a lot of gratitude as we head into one of my favorite months. August. I like August so much because it’s the first month, pretty much halfway through August, where I start to notice the angle of incidence of the sun is changing, as we move towards the fall equinox.
The shadows of the trees are not as vertical. The shadows are starting to shift angles as the sun makes its way toward the southern hemisphere.
I know it sounds so geeky. But I just can’t help myself. All of you empaths reading this, well, I know you feel it too! You not only see the shadows change, you feel it—you feel the change.
Those of you in the southern hemisphere have your own experience too. You can feel the sun coming down toward...
I hope you’re doing well and life is good. I know for some, this might be a big ask. Today, I want to share three organic phases you can move through to transform yourself into the most positive sense of self you can in the moment.
Life reflects the lens through which we view it. You know, when I hop on a call with a client, I always ask, “How are you? Often times their response goes something like this.
“Well, if everything was great I wouldn’t be calling.” That’s true for them in the moment.
As a human being; as someone of service; and as a medical intuitive my hours are designed to help transform problems, pointing toward a true and positive direction.
Focusing on what is; what’s next; and the new direction(s) to move toward in which myself or clients/students want to go. Always in the safest and most efficient way, moving along the most positive path.
Taking the high road, the positive path, is not always...
It’s a rare kinda lazy day here and I actually had a few quiet hours. Sweet!
I was thinking about some of my most blessed moments, when intuition has stepped in to save the day. That watchful eye and voice is so comforting; and I know this voice is not outside of us.
I was thinking about what intuitive moments like have in common. Aspects of which have saved both my life and sanity.
Life can mind-boggling, heart exploding (in a good way and even when sadness comes around - growth is good). Life is truly beyond anything I could’ve ever imagined. How about you? You can't make this stuff up, can you?
To me, life is one “Bring it!” moment. No matter what it’s bringing!
When it comes to intuition, I admit, when I was in my dingy, dark night of the soul, I used to cast off intuitive insights like a scratchy mohair sweater.
Other times my intuitive life has jettisoned me up and out so fast I...
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