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#38. Steps To Strengthen Your Intuition

Uncategorized May 31, 2023

Listen in and wait for the section in the podcast where I talk about who roamed our house as my siblings and I were growing up. It was a shared experience between the four of us, occurring at different times. But we are all silent about it. Until….

I love exploring the various ways, simple ways, we can experience and develop confidence in our intuitive system. In the episode of The Voice of Intuition Podcast, we’ll explore easy-to-use steps to develop and champion your intuition.

Let’s all be brave and use and discuss intuition with confidence and the naturalness it deserves. Intuition, once hidden within the shadows of the occult, is now without question, mainstream and ubiquitous. 

Lean in and learn…

  • Easy ideas to bring your intuition more into your everyday
  • What comes first, second, third, etc in the process of creation
  • Find the stories you might be using which slow or stunt your intuitive power
  • Ways to ease up and invoke your compassionate voice...
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#37 Energy Projections - What To Do?

Uncategorized May 24, 2023

In today’s episode, we’re taking a look at the difference been insights and unwanted projections — assessments and assumptions. 

There’s a subtle slip from intuitive insights to personal projections and there’re several important points to remember. 

Everyone is impacted in life. At one time or another, we’ve all projected our opinions on others. There’s a difference between sharing insights and projecting. One is either offering support or sending out a pressurized and presumptive insertion of energy.

What can you do? 

I’ll share three creative, intuitive ways to handle projections. They will shift and keep you from feeling splattered upon. In today’s episode, we’re taking a look at the difference been insights and projections — assessments and assumptions. 

There’s a subtle slip from intuitive insights to personal projections and there’re several important points to remember. 


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#36: Energy Medicine - Your Triune of Power and Choice

Uncategorized May 17, 2023

In this episode were going on an Energy Medicine journey. We’re going to explore an energetic pattern, a triune of primary chakras, which can either support your personal power or diminish it. 

Heck, if the decision goes one way, you’re a super star. If it goes the other way, you may hide your gifts, shrink your power, instead of being the leader you are. 

When you lean in and listen, heres what youll learn…

  • Yes, the heart knows the way, but what’s driving the bus
  • Learn the triune of power sitting right inside of you
  • How a binary answer drives your life
  • Hearing and feeling a No inside, could be your soul trying to get you to say Yes. 
  • Slow down and listen to the voice of your soul
  • Walking your path with your soul, in work, in your words, in all things 




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When Determination and Mystical Leverage Merge

Uncategorized Apr 26, 2023

As healers, we are brave and a little crazy. We naturally go into the darkness to shine Light. That’s your job as a healing person, no matter your station or occupation in life. 

In this Episode we’re talking about tough stuff and how the soul of you, the part of you which is divine and your intuitive voice is there to support you no matter what I happening. 

I’m sharing a portion of one of my Dark Nights, which I have found to be profoundly supported by the Light. 

Lean in and listen. Subscribe and leave a comment. Let me know how your soul connected in a time of Darkness and offered spiritual and mystical leverage to move you though such a darkened time. 

When you think about your dark times, don’t forget to pay homage to the Light in you. It’s there with you, all the time, every time.

What you’ll hear and hopefully ponder…

  • Connect with that part of you filled with the power of determination, not stubbornness....
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The Great Experiment

Uncategorized Apr 12, 2023

“Testing … 1, 2, 3, testing.”  This is the only line I deleted from this podcast episode. Because, at first blush, that was my intention, to test the sound equipment and delete the entire recording. 

But the voice of my soul took over. I was so excited to connect with all of you, I just let it fly with intention to let you know what’s up. What is the Great Experiment?! 

So my friends, here you go — a check in with what’s been going on in my life and a gentle challenge for you to create your own Great Experiment. Listen in and let’s keep listening to the voice of your soul. Your voice of intuition.

What you’ll hear and be guided to do….

  • A challenge to listen deeply to the voice of your soul
  • What you’d like to create is more important than the how it happens. 
  • Don’t let your mind create uncertainty of your precious life. 
  • …or let your wild mind stop you from creating what’s...
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Find Your Voice - Pull Your Own Happy Wagon

Uncategorized Mar 01, 2023

How are you beautiful! Happy and well I trust. It's time to write your new story. To take your life to a new level of experience. It's time to leap a paradigm and flourish in a way in which you've always wanted to live. 

In this Episode, we’ll take three steps forward and write a new inner script, an inner voice and repertoire reflective of your voice.

What you’ll learn …. 

  • Refections of Part 1 and Part 2 
  • Three steps to help rewrite a new story 

Powerful, key ingredients to create the miracles you're looking for. (You’ll need to stay to the end of these gems.)



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Find Your Voice - Who’s In There? Part 2

Uncategorized Feb 08, 2023

You know your inner voice. You get it … there are several voices in your head, depending on what you’re doing. This guidance, obstinance, curiosity fill your life with the flavor, mixing with your authentic voice. 

So, who’s in there with you? Whose voice has an influence within your spiritual voice, your parental voice, your public and intimate voice? Who’s part of your inner choir in regard to your path in life and work in the world? 

Here is Part 2, Who’s In There is the latest episode in the series, Find Your Voice — a 3 part mini-workshop. 

In this episode, settled into a divinely-inspired story, offering a reminder of a universal skill we all have as intuitive humans, along with a self-discovery meditation. 

What you’ll hear and how you’ll be guided in the meditation….

  • Where do your inner voices reside within your body
  • Discover and contemplate the universal skill we all have
  • Go on a spiritual...
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Find Your Voice - Enter The Forest of Inner Narratives; Part 1

Uncategorized Feb 01, 2023

This is Part 1 of this 3 part mini-workshop. Let’s find and refine your intuitive voice. We all have inner stories, narratives which arises when we are in different frames of mind and when our emotions are active — happy, sad, angry, whatever. 

Listen in. I invite you to grab your journal and do the work. Let’s see what happens! 

In this Episode, through story and intuitive work, we’re diving into the work of discovering the threads, archetypes, visions, and voices which shape your inner narratives and your voice.

Our inner narratives shape our life’s path. These storied voices can merge with and encourage or override the voice of our intuition. 

They can mask or alter our voice; shut it down; allow your voice to feel accepted and soar; or any derivation of such.

In this Episode you’ll hear and work with….

  • Gently and mindfully write down the variety of emotions you might be feeling recently
  • Discover the inner narratives...
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Two Healers and A Mic - Energy and The Winding Road Of Healing

Uncategorized Jan 26, 2023


I know youll enjoy this weeks Voice of Intuition Podcast. Its like putting two healers in a car for a long road trip down a country road. 

It’s always fun to have Scott join me on the show and this episode is no different.

Sooooo, come along for a ride! Scott Clover, an intuitive energy healer, joins me this week. Cruise with us as we move through and dive into healing and energy work.

The topics and insights were bouncing off the wall. Here’s what you’ll hear….

  • Healing ancestral patterns
  • Personal boundaries
  • Interconnections —cellular, energetic, and emotional patterning
  • Somatic emotional healing
  • Your very own personal Snow Globe”
  • …wait for it! Right after we start the snow globe conversation, surprise visitors showed up!!

Thanks so much for listening! Truly! Send me a note and let me know what topics you'd love to hear!


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Channeling Grace … And Other Things

Uncategorized Jan 18, 2023

Channeling is an interesting term, which can divide, confuse, attract, and repel people. However, it all depends on your perception of what channeling is. 

Can you channel? Should you? … and some tips on how to connect in this way safely, with reverence, wisely, and for good reasons. 

In this Episode, I’m sharing ideas, concepts, and practices for your consideration. We all channel. We all receive downloads — for our writing, through our prayers and meditations. We can feel an connect with our loved ones who have passed on. 

Let’s not be afraid of or grasp at a word. Let's be mindful of the doors which could open for you, like the doorway to divine grace.

We are growing and waking up en masse and fast! Evolution is about change; especially, changes in our abilities, choices, spirituality, fluidity with life, and definitely the changes in our perception.

What you’ll hear and learn…

  • What is channeling
  • Walking and talking with...
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