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Channeling Grace ā€¦ And Other Things

Uncategorized Jan 18, 2023

Channeling is an interesting term, which can divide, confuse, attract, and repel people. However, it all depends on your perception of what channeling is. 

Can you channel? Should you? … and some tips on how to connect in this way safely, with reverence, wisely, and for good reasons. 

In this Episode, I’m sharing ideas, concepts, and practices for your consideration. We all channel. We all receive downloads — for our writing, through our prayers and meditations. We can feel an connect with our loved ones who have passed on. 

Let’s not be afraid of or grasp at a word. Let's be mindful of the doors which could open for you, like the doorway to divine grace.

We are growing and waking up en masse and fast! Evolution is about change; especially, changes in our abilities, choices, spirituality, fluidity with life, and definitely the changes in our perception.

What you’ll hear and learn…

  • What is channeling
  • Walking and talking with...
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A Conversation with Alexandra Shipp - Actor, Singer, Songwriter

Uncategorized Jan 12, 2023

X-MEN’S STORM IS IN THE HOUSE! I could not be more delighted to introduce you to a young woman who is so genuine, talented, and kind. Alexandra Shipp - known for her many rolls in television and film. 

  • Susan in Tic Tic Boom 
  • Storm - Marvel's X-Men
  • Aliyah, The Princess of R&B
  • Love Simon
  • Drumline
  • Shaft

In the conversation, you’ll hear….

When the acting spark appeared 

Leaving home at 17 for Hollywood

Gender identity and God

What is was like to audition for Lin-Manuel Miranda

Women's’ right and the right to love and be loved

Max Mara celebrated her as the Face of the Future Award.... and 18 more films. 

With all of her success, she remains herself. Honest, funny, a humble and a sincere spiritual activist for women and all human beings. I trust you'll enjoy getting to know her ... and she is worth knowing. 




tick, tick...Boom! | "Come to Your Senses" by Alexandra Shipp and...

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How and When To Do an Intuitive Scan

Uncategorized Jan 04, 2023

Enjoy the show! We all get curious about meeting someone new. Getting a new job. Moving to a new place and making new friends; even going out on that first date. 

Should we just jump in or is it smarter these days to use our intuitive superpowers to make certain we’re heading in the right direction as we meet new people? 

In this episode, I offer suggestions and tips to check things out when entering into new relationships and even working with established relationships. 

After all, we all intuitively read each other, one way or another. I think it’s a good idea to know when to call on your superpower, what to do and what to look for. How about you? 

You’ll learn about: 

  • What sections of someone’s energy to read
  • Why they contain important and telling information 
  • What are the ethics about reading someone else
  • What are your rights and obligations when it comes to meeting new people, dates, and employers or employees
  • What...
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3 Principles for Creating What Matters Most

Uncategorized Dec 28, 2022

If you’re ready to manifest and create something new about yourself or for your life, and you want it to really come true, you must embrace change. 

Most importantly, you’ve got connect to the source from which all things come. Steps 1, 2, and 3 are waiting for you inside this episode!

Change is a fact of life so why not embrace it and create what matters most. In today’s episode I’m walking you through 3 essential principles to create the life of your dreams and to navigate change along the way.

What you’ll learn in this episode: 

The 3 principles: 

Connect — to the source of which you are a part
Clarify — is this really what I want?
Commit — in other words take action.

Principle #1: 

To create the life events, experiences and things in your life demands and desires, you must believe in a source of the original creative substance. 

You must believe and connect to your source. The mother ship. To God, to the...

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Do Your Prayers and Positive Thoughts Really Matter?

positive thinking prayer Dec 15, 2022

These days, there are so many prayerful requests - for well-being, regaining jobs, starting businesses, and just keeping one’s feet on the ground. Things are moving so fast!  Positive thoughts and prayers are careening around the web and the world.

Dr. Christine joins me today, asking great questions, “What happens to our positive thoughts once we send them to someone? Do our prayers and good wishes matter? Where do prayer requests land in your body when you’re asked to send good thoughts?”

The conversation covers various practices and ideas to to help you stay in compassionate neutrality and send others positive thoughts without emotionally attaching in a non-helpful manner. 

I’ll also share my favorite prayer. The prayer which got me through being sick and dying. Three simple words. they say it all! It’s effective and the shortest prayer ever. Because the heavens know exactly what you need and when you need it.

Mentioned in the...

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Worry or Wonder; Where Does Your Mind Go?

awaken the field wonders Dec 07, 2022

We worry way too much. Over 60% of us worry all of the time. Over what? Everything! In this Episode we’re going to unpack worry and offer some solutions. Make sure you stay to the end to the end of the podcast and grab the acronym which will help turn your worries around and reframe the habit of worry.

Since we’re spiritual folks, dedicated to seeking self-awareness and our spiritual nature; well, at times even with our practices, we can’t always stop a worry-filled minds. We know we’re influenced by the world around us. Of course. Rightly or wrongly, we feel it, see it and listen to it, especially with our spiritual, intuitive senses. 

The main vibration in The Field right now is worry and fear. Like a rocket of thoughts launching, it’s try to take us over. But we won’t let it. There’s always a way to turn any situation around. To diminish the negative energy, we turn our lens toward the positive. Turn our thoughts toward joy and...

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Living and Breathing Our Collective Consciousness

consciousness Nov 30, 2022

We all feel it.  Yet, we absorb it differently. Some people don’t feel a thing. Others of us become way too saturated. In this Episode we’ll walk through The Collective Field a bit — where it is? How to pay attention just a tad bit more, in order to set your life on a more resonate track that’s just right for you.

As I enter into sessions with individuals, and throughout our conversation, I’m intuitively watching the nervous system respond to their words and their world. 

Intuition when comes down to it, is quite a simple, elegant, and a sophisticated truth-telling indicator about how we realllly feel! 

After all, we all know when we are running to ourself. 

We are designed to connect. We want and need to connect with others. It’s primal. We can’t avoid it. Even if there are location, types of people, and things with which we think we don’t resonate with on the surface. But, what’s under the surface? Where...

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MEDITATION ā€” Thank You For All of IT!

gratitude meditation Nov 23, 2022

Enjoy this Episode when you have time to chill. Do not listen to this if you are driving, skiing through moguls, or deep sea diving.   

We’re heading into the Holidays around the world, and well, we all know the joys and stresses these times can offer up; adding to our current joys and stress.  Let’s lighten it up a bit and embrace some stillness. The emotions which may be careening around inside will calm down, while you behold what is awesome within you. A reflection of who you are and the way you do walk through the world. Enjoy!

Love you!


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3 Things You Can Let Go of Today

healing impact the world Nov 16, 2022

Okay, today’s the day. On this day, we’re going to let go! We’re way too bogged down and we’re suffering. 

It’s all too much!

We hold on. We cling to judgement, fears, stuff, attitudes, habits, the wanting to forgive verses remaining ticked off at some thing or someone who hurt us, etc., etc., etc. 

It’s the et cetera that squashes us. Etc cetera means “and the rest [of the things]; and the other things”). Today we are going to shift the thoughts and energy about things which drain you. 

Most importantly, we will switch gears and focus on what serves and lifts you up. 

Let’s go into the solution instead of focusing on the problem. You know the problem, intimately….

Let’s walk this path together as I share solutions for these struggles, so you can let go and recalibrate your your life, your life force energy, and your focus. 

As they say, “Where your mind goes, energy [and your life]...

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Your Voice of Intuition

Uncategorized Nov 09, 2022

Hey, there, I’m Laura Alden Kamm and somehow I ended up being in service as a medical intuitive, integrating various philosophies to help navigate my way though the initial dense forest of understanding what intuition is and isn’t. 

In the beginning, I tripped and fell over stumps of information I didn't think could even be real or true. I wondered why was I getting messages and information about something of which I didn’t know or have possession?

As I look back, streaming internal information was easy and normal, but I was 3-17 years old. Then it became way to much to handle and I tired to shut it down. I was trying to fit in, while putting a muffle, rather a choke hold, on the voice of truth. My voice of right and wrong — truth and non-truth. 

Then to get my attention, God swooped in and said, “Architecture school? Naw. Reboot. System failure. System failure! Reboot reboot!”

And I reboot I did — blind, coma, death, heaven,...

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