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3 Things You Can Let Go of Today

healing impact the world Nov 16, 2022

Okay, today’s the day. On this day, we’re going to let go! We’re way too bogged down and we’re suffering. 

It’s all too much!

We hold on. We cling to judgement, fears, stuff, attitudes, habits, the wanting to forgive verses remaining ticked off at some thing or someone who hurt us, etc., etc., etc. 

It’s the et cetera that squashes us. Etc cetera means “and the rest [of the things]; and the other things”). Today we are going to shift the thoughts and energy about things which drain you. 

Most importantly, we will switch gears and focus on what serves and lifts you up. 

Let’s go into the solution instead of focusing on the problem. You know the problem, intimately….

Let’s walk this path together as I share solutions for these struggles, so you can let go and recalibrate your your life, your life force energy, and your focus. 

As they say, “Where your mind goes, energy [and your life]...

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Evolving Your Place and Peace

Firstly, Happy Father’s Day to those of you who are fathers. Those who are both father and mother to your kids or others. And to those father’s who are in Spirit. "Hi! Love you Dad!"

Secondarily, how are you doing, really?  That line is repeated over and over in Downton Abby, so I couldn’t help myself.

I’ve been soaking up the episodes of Downton. Why? I love the music; the velvet green hills and significant trees of England; the costumes; and besides, it’s peaceful. Okay, it’s easy to fall asleep to while in my comfy chair. 

You know, peace of mind and body is my imperative these days. Anyone raising their hand out there?

The world is a bit on a tilt, and I’m sure no one is surprised. Evolution is not easy. And my darling friends we are in it and heading for the next doorway. 

This is a good thing because, thank goodness, you’re awake and aware; therefore, you are an integral part of the solution. ...

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Masks, Elevators and Enlightenment - Tools For Spiritual Tidying #3

Elevators, masks and enlightenment...let's chat.

Spiritual Tidying, or any clean-up job, requires self-control, inspiration and dedication to the task at hand; all for the desired result of uncluttered flow, spaciousness and a more obvious, vibrant connection with the important things in your life. 

But elevators?

Ride along with me for a little FAQ on shiny distractions and psychological control. 

Passenger elevators came into existence in the mid 1800's, along with new construction techniques, demonstrating that architects would now be able to successfully elevate building heights. This allowed for the utilization of vertical space as opposed to massive amounts of horizontal space. Makes sense.

I do find it interesting that there were significant spiritual movements at that time as well. hmmm... technology and spirituality growing at the same time. it's called, The Second Great Awakening. 

Back to elevators... 

 From the mid 19th Century to...

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Pushing Yourself Awake For Heaven's Sake

Last week I wrote about pushing yourself awake and how important it is to relax as you follow your spiritual path.

Awakenings happen when they happen. Usually when you least expect it.

It happened to a friend and me a few weeks ago when I took a him to a doctor. As we walked into the office a song was piping through their audio system, “I breathe in grace… I exhale grace” was the song’s refrain.

We sat down. A wave came over me and I just wanted to cry. In fact, I did. Trying ever-so-cooly to wipe away my tears, as if I had allergies. Ha!

Over and over the song played and it simply popped my heart. You know the feeling when a lyric surpasses your brain and surprisingly sings to your soul.

I knew I was being queued up by the heavens; yet, I didn’t know why. I simply was.

During my friend’s exam, the doctor looked at me only once. And once was enough. He looked at my friend’s health record and noted he had a stroke a few years ago.


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A Message + What's Next and What to Do About It

You have an incredible power. It's the power to choose and to create from your choices.

In challenging times, there are seeds of greatness within you ready to sprout. When trouble rounds the corner, solutions are either embedded within the problem or sit on its periphery.

Either way, solutions are within your intuitive grasp.

No matter what you’re facing. You’ll never lose your capacity to choose, to create, and to change. Even if circumstances limit your sense of freedom in the moment.

When change is upon us, to the degree that it is currently, we often feel numb and powerless. Those feelings are normal; given we're standing at an evolutionary fork in the road. It's hard to remain yippee skippy when you feel something is afoot.

More changes are just around the corner. Like in just a few days…. We will begin to feel the shift by the end of this week Then, within 160 days or so, we will rise again, tenderly at first. Then more solidly. Life will carry on and we...

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Cultivating Grace in the Midst of Crazy

To you … gentle souls in the midst of crazy change. To all empaths, creatives, intuitives, and healers of all manner. Life is asking you to step up, to be strong and steady.

 Your clarity is essential, as you can feel the reverberation, making us all lean toward what’s next.

 As you manage your days, I’m certain you can hear the tone of  these distinct beseeching signals. Now, it’s time to cultivate even more internal self-awareness and grace.

 I’m also confident you’re keenly aware of how your intuitive system is being activated, guiding you as to how you care of yourself, your loved ones, work, and gage the direction in which life is taking you. 

Your soul’s energy is out in the “everywhere” sending and receiving signals of charged, undulating information. Are you listening?

For the moment, let’s bring in our focus in a bit. Let's bring grace into the picture, which can cultivate a more...

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