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MEDITATION ā€” Thank You For All of IT!

gratitude meditation Nov 23, 2022

Enjoy this Episode when you have time to chill. Do not listen to this if you are driving, skiing through moguls, or deep sea diving.   

We’re heading into the Holidays around the world, and well, we all know the joys and stresses these times can offer up; adding to our current joys and stress.  Let’s lighten it up a bit and embrace some stillness. The emotions which may be careening around inside will calm down, while you behold what is awesome within you. A reflection of who you are and the way you do walk through the world. Enjoy!

Love you!


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3 Stages of Healing For You To Practice

gratitude healing Aug 01, 2022

I trust all is going well with you!

I’ve been working in the EU and seeing family who live in Italy. I know, tough stuff right? With COVID, we’ve been communicating like so many others, through the looking glass of FaceTime. Grateful.

Right now, I’m in Frankfurt, Germany working with some folks. A common burning question with this group was, “With the economies the way they are, war close to us, and all the stress and such of COVID, how can I really create the life I want?

Tough questions many of us are asking from around the world.

How do I create a meaningful, happy life—this is an ancient human question. It’s the ultimate personal quest. 

Each question we ask ourselves is a quest.  

The very word question, Latin ‘quaerere’ means to seek, to examine, to investigate; the suffix tionthe action, the result. 

The quest today? 

Here are 3 stages of healing to help you turn situations around. Consider,...

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Positive Change Is Born From Visions of Gratitude

Wow, I can’t believe how fast summer is peeling by!

We can’t slow down the clock.  But as intuitive people, we can move our perspective. We can shift our intuitive lens— slow down or leap forward in what we think of as time.

I’m feeling a lot of gratitude as we head into one of my favorite months. August. I like August so much because it’s the first month, pretty much halfway through August, where I start to notice the angle of incidence of the sun is changing, as we move towards the fall equinox.

The shadows of the trees are not as vertical. The shadows are starting to shift angles as the sun makes its way toward the southern hemisphere.

I know it sounds so geeky. But I just can’t help myself. All of you empaths reading this, well, I know you feel it too! You not only see the shadows change, you feel it—you feel the change.

Those of you in the southern hemisphere have your own experience too. You can feel the sun coming down toward...

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Cultivate The Energy of Gratitude

awaken energy gratitude Dec 05, 2021

Refresh your energy, boost your empathic sense of security and protection, by cultivating gratitude. It’s a powerful antidote to dissolve anxiety and worry. 

Take some time and enjoy this healing visualization. It will help clear your energy, balance your body, and fill your heart with gratitude.

As we close out 2021, it’s important to find the places where gratitude thrived and cultivate even more!

Lots of love,


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How to Find and Follow Your Joy

I remember seeing my mother’s satisfying smiles as she watched us from her favorite chair. She would say to me, “It's all I ever want … to see my family together having fun.” Our family is lucky that way. We are all creative and curious Wild Things.

As women, whether we are motherly to many or a few, the delight we experience in having those whom we love around us cultivates boundless joy.

There is an expansive feminine nature that ripples through us all. It’s filled with source-inspired creativity, insights, and a map, which guides the birth of our true joys in life, connecting us.

I want to expand on that connected thought … you know how you pay attention to the dreams you have a right before you wake up? I do the same.

These flashes of insight are a powerful message board, filled with hidden, convoluted, and in-your-face memorandums from your spirit and body.

These insights contain an imperative voice. They are the guidons of your joy.


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