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MEDITATION ā€” Thank You For All of IT!

gratitude meditation Nov 23, 2022

Enjoy this Episode when you have time to chill. Do not listen to this if you are driving, skiing through moguls, or deep sea diving.   

We’re heading into the Holidays around the world, and well, we all know the joys and stresses these times can offer up; adding to our current joys and stress.  Let’s lighten it up a bit and embrace some stillness. The emotions which may be careening around inside will calm down, while you behold what is awesome within you. A reflection of who you are and the way you do walk through the world. Enjoy!

Love you!


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A Message + What's Next and What to Do About It

You have an incredible power. It's the power to choose and to create from your choices.

In challenging times, there are seeds of greatness within you ready to sprout. When trouble rounds the corner, solutions are either embedded within the problem or sit on its periphery.

Either way, solutions are within your intuitive grasp.

No matter what you’re facing. You’ll never lose your capacity to choose, to create, and to change. Even if circumstances limit your sense of freedom in the moment.

When change is upon us, to the degree that it is currently, we often feel numb and powerless. Those feelings are normal; given we're standing at an evolutionary fork in the road. It's hard to remain yippee skippy when you feel something is afoot.

More changes are just around the corner. Like in just a few days…. We will begin to feel the shift by the end of this week Then, within 160 days or so, we will rise again, tenderly at first. Then more solidly. Life will carry on and we...

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You Do Create Your Own Reality

Breathe. In and out. Lying on your back or sitting in a chair, take a moment. Think about your life.

What have you been attracted to within your life? What aspects of life draw you in like a tractor beam? Have you followed those paths? Or have you hung them on the wall, framed as the ubiquitous mental picture, “I’ll do that someday.”

You do create your own reality. We don’t have to try, push, or hurt ourselves in order to do so. The seeds of your real life are already within you.

When you’re drawn to something, that is an indication that the seeds of manifestation regarding a new life, a new path, a new oath is rising within you, readying itself for birth.

Seeds. Path. Oath. Life travels and unwraps its treasures in this order.

You can’t find the path until you listen within. Hear the unburdening of the hull around the seed? It crackles with new life.

As this occurs, you notice that your footsteps, your heart’s whispers, and mind take you in...

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The Upside Of Being An Empath

empath intuition meditation Aug 25, 2019

I'm standing on the corner 77th St. and 3rd Ave. in New York City. It's always busy. It's always noisy. New Yorkers are oddly quieted by the symphony of horns, the subway’s swooshing rattle popping up through the steel grates on the sidewalk, and the whoop whoop whoop of sirens. 

They are the sounds of home in the City.

School just let out. I left my apartment to hunt and gather for my dinner. A couple of middle school kids stood beside me at the corner. 

Like a rubberized superhero in a movie who, while standing in a static position in the midst of chaos, I was intuitively drawn out of my body and hovered above the fray to feel an ominous coming.

“What’s going on this time?”

The WALK sign flashed in our direction and it was clear to go; yet, it wasn’t!

I landed back in my body just in time to break free from my New York street cocoon and said,” Hey kids, wait!” 

My right arms stretched out as if I was in my car protecting my...

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