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Worry or Wonder; Where Does Your Mind Go?

awaken the field wonders Dec 07, 2022

We worry way too much. Over 60% of us worry all of the time. Over what? Everything! In this Episode we’re going to unpack worry and offer some solutions. Make sure you stay to the end to the end of the podcast and grab the acronym which will help turn your worries around and reframe the habit of worry.

Since we’re spiritual folks, dedicated to seeking self-awareness and our spiritual nature; well, at times even with our practices, we can’t always stop a worry-filled minds. We know we’re influenced by the world around us. Of course. Rightly or wrongly, we feel it, see it and listen to it, especially with our spiritual, intuitive senses. 

The main vibration in The Field right now is worry and fear. Like a rocket of thoughts launching, it’s try to take us over. But we won’t let it. There’s always a way to turn any situation around. To diminish the negative energy, we turn our lens toward the positive. Turn our thoughts toward joy and opportunities and new adventures. 

Here are 4 C’s I keep close. Close enough to always check in the my heart’s mind — the field in and around my heart and the information help within this field. Your heart’s mind, meaning intelligence, and its field I find to be more accurate and kind, honest and true, than our thinking brains.

The four C’s are: 


Without a strong sense of belief in yourself, confidence will wane. Confidence is not always in the forefront of your thinking mind. It is always in your heart. Because your heart knows what to do, always. 

Clarity… worry clogs clarity. If you get into the mind of your heart and listen to what you know to be truth, worry resolves. To keep clear thoughts at the top of your mind and worrisome thoughts at bay, the third C arises. 

Courage. Courage is often a momentary feeing. Sometimes only when we have a situation that feels more risky or threatening. If we find ourselves there, we stand up and stand strong.

When we are strong, and courageous, we hold the energy of our commitments. The commitments we make to ourselves for a good and happy life. Let alone the commitments we make to others. 

These four words and their energies are catalysts. They are powerful guides and indicators of how you’re succeeding regarding what’s most important to you and that you are changing from the inside out!

Hold on to these four C’s and BAM! You’ll breakthrough to start the new thing you’ve been imagining for your life, relationships, or your work in the world.

The energy field around your heart and the cells within your heart know your life’s journey. You may not get a play-by-play right off the bat; however, you will always be privy to the pertinent information and guidance in a particular season of your life. 

Listen to the field of your heart. You’ll find the confidence, clarity, courage, and commitment to create all that you know is yours to do, be, and experience. 

With love from The Field,


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