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64 Medical Intuition - What Is It, What's It Like to Be One + An Energy Practice

Uncategorized Sep 12, 2024

You inspired this episode of The Voice of Intuition Podcast—you incredible, curious listeners! Laura often receives fascinating questions about medical intuition, and today she’s diving into your most frequently asked questions, like: 

  • What is Medical Intuition? 
  • What’s it like to be a medical intuitive, helping people in such a profound way?
  • And Laura knows so many of you have been eager to explore this question: How can I begin to read energy, the foundational skill for becoming a medical intuitive?

Laura, with her warmth and wisdom, will guide you like the compassionate mentor she is, leading you through the process of discovering your own inner intuitive abilities. 

She has spent a lifetime using her intuitive skills and empowering others to recognize and trust the voice of intuition within themselves. In this episode, she will help you take that first step toward reading your own energy field. Think of it as an invitation to meet the deeper,...

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63 Enlightenment In The Midst of Chaos

Uncategorized Sep 04, 2024

What happens when chaos takes the wheel? Anxiety and worry can pull us off course, distract us from our true path, and drown out intuition's calm, clear guidance. In this episode, I will explore the intricate dynamics between worry and intuition and how anxiety can cloud our spiritual clarity, making it difficult to hear our hearts.

These emotions make you scurry up into a tree like a scared cat! 

Yet, the most profound truth is that you are stronger than you think. Beneath that layer of fear and doubt lies an inner reservoir of strength and wisdom that can be accessed at will despite anxiety or worry potentially telling you otherwise. This episode will help you uncover the spiritual power you already have within you to overcome worry and reclaim your intuitive power. You can access an unwavering spiritual compass to guide you through life’s most anxious moments.

Listen to this spirit-filled conversation about worry, anxiety, and the remarkable strength of your inner...

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62 Encore – Worry or Wonder, Where Does Your Mind Go?

We worry way too much. Over 60% of us worry all the time. Over what? Everything! Especially when alarms and sirens go off around us. We all turn to see what’s coming, like I did just as I was about to record a podcast. 

Those alarms go off inside us, too. When that happens, we need to listen, go within, and become our first responders—our intuitive internal alarms have gone off for a reason! 

In this Encore The Voice of Intuition Podcast episode, we’ll unpack worry and offer solutions. Listen to the end to grab the acronym, which will help you turn your worries around and reframe the habit of worrying.

Why an encore podcast today? Well, I had some electrical issues due to the hurricane that passed through. The recording window was hit-and-miss. The storm passed, and all was well. I sat down, ready to grab the mic and flip the switches when….

The building's emergency evacuation alarm went off!

I grabbed my purse and laptop, and instead of worrying,...

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61 Explore the Power of Intuition

Uncategorized Aug 21, 2024

Welcome to this episode of The Voice of Intuition Podcast, where we're diving deep into a truth that resonates at the core of our being: intuition is a skill, a robust system that each of us possesses. It's not something elusive or reserved for the few; it’s a natural, intrinsic part of who we are. And just like any other skill, it can be honed, nurtured, and expanded.

When I say that intuition is a system, I mean that it’s an intricate, dynamic process woven into the very fabric of our existence. It’s a beautiful dance between our physical bodies and the conscious mind—a symphony of signals, feelings, and insights that move through us. This intuitive system is our connection to the divine, the universal consciousness of creation and Creator that flows through and around us, guiding us with a wisdom that transcends logic.

Think about the first blush of knowing, that moment when a vision, an image, or a feeling rises within you. It’s like a gentle nudge...

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60 Intuitive Wisdom Comes In Small Bites

Uncategorized Aug 07, 2024

Welcome to another episode of the Voice of Intuition podcast. Today, we’re delving into the world of intuitive wisdom, exploring how it often comes to us in small bites, nuances, and insights.

Our intuitive system gives us many gifts. A primary emphasis is on consistent sensations and insight into how to live in harmony with life and its fundamental nature, life itself, your body, and the larger influence of the universe. 

This wisdom often emerges quietly. We find profound truths in small bites of subtle whispers from our inner voice, gentle nudges, and fleeting moments of clarity.

Listen in as I share some tips to help you navigate life. Use your intuition as a guide and offer you insights in the most unexpected moments. It's in the sudden urge to take a different route home, the inexplicable feeling to reach out to a friend, or the quiet assurance that we're on the right path. These small bites of intuition are the universe's way of communicating with us, nudging us...

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59 “Two Healers & A Mic” –– with Heather Driscoll

Uncategorized Jul 31, 2024

Laura’s Original Series Is Back–– “Two Healers & A Mic!” 

Welcome to another episode of The Voice of Intuition Podcast. Today, we have another exclusive in my original series, “Two Healers & A Mic!” In this series, we unravel what it’s like to have that pull to awaken your inner healer and place yourself into service for others, no matter your occupation. We slide into the mysteries of your mind, body, and spirit and unravel the unknown with humor and heart. 

Today’s episode of “Two Healers & A Mic” features the delightful and heart-centered healer Heather Driscoll.

Throughout the episode, Heather’s compassionate wisdom about a journey well traveled ensures that listeners leave feeling uplifted, inspired, and ready to embrace their own emotional freedom and intuitive skills. Perhaps your path has been similar. Each journey is unique as healers, yet there is common ground from which we can...

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58 Is Your Heart Upside Down?

Uncategorized Jul 24, 2024

Welcome to another episode of "The Voice of Intuition Podcast." Today’s episode, "Is Your Heart Upside Down?" is one that I am particularly excited about because it delves deep into the core of our being—the heart.  

There’s so much here that is not included in the time stamps below. 

This is a 15-minute podcast. Download and listen to it over and over to experience the nuances and changes in your heart, spirit, and body.

You’ll want to download this one and listen to it again and again, as your energy and heart will change each time you listen and lean into the guiding visualization and inquiry. 

I was so excited about this and just started channeling the information to the degree that I forgot to put in an introduction as your host! If you’re new to this podcast, welcome! I’m Laura Alden Kamm, an integrative medical intuitive, dying and death experiencer, author, and spiritual intuitive teacher.

Have you ever felt out of...

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57 Come Back To Yourself – To Your Light

Uncategorized Jul 03, 2024

Today, we’re diving deep into a practice that will help you bring your energy, Light, and soul back home. Yes, we're talking about coming back to yourself, grounding your energy, and filling yourself up with positivity so you can step into your calling and share your unique gifts with the world.

We know life gets wild. We get caught up in the outer noise; before we know it, our energy is scattered to the four winds. But here’s the good news: bringing yourself home is easier than you think. In this episode, I share a daily practice that will help you stay grounded, energized, and ready to shine your Light on the world.

1. Morning Grounding Ritual 

2. Visualize Your Energy –– Your Light

3. Sharing and Receiving Energy with Heart

When you’re grounded and filled with positive energy, you’re more attuned to your intuition, more connected to your inner wisdom, and more ready to take inspired action. To follow your inner calling. 

You have a...

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A Video - The Healing Tapestry of Your Stories

In embracing your stories, you’ll find an unencumbered spot of grace. Let’s go on a journey of power, purpose, and courage. Let’s honor our stories of how we got from there to here.
 Read on, and as you do, you'll see a link to a video. I had the sincere honor of joining Andrea Jaeger, former world champion women's tennis player and now founder of the Little Star Foundation. Andrea is still and will alwasy be a champion, now making life better for children living with cancer and their families. Joining in the conversation is Andrea's co-host Karen Vazquez. Karen, herself, is a miracle! She was diagnosed with cancer as a child and had a 2% chance of survival.
Life is filled with miracles. I know youv'e experienced them too. Click Here to watch Part 1 of The Little Star Light Podcast with Andrea, Karen, and myself.
And now back to you!  
You're a significant human being. You've been through a think or two in your life. And you're...
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55 Two Healers and A Mic - With Intuitive Healer Scott Clover

Uncategorized Jun 12, 2024

I’m excited to bring back my original, fun, and insightful series, "Two Healers and A Mic!" Join me and my special guest, Scott Clover, an intuitive healer trained in somatic, archetypes, and energy healing, along with his natural gifts. We explore the healing journey and dive deep into intuitive healing skills, sharing unique insights, transformative experiences, and powerful techniques. 

Whether you're a seasoned spiritual seeker or just beginning your journey, this episode promises to enlighten, uplift, and awaken the healer within you. Scott and I delve into the realm of archetypes, uncovering the hidden pains and impacts within us. 

We lean into the mic about how discovering the, perhaps unnoticed, energy structures can guide us toward healing. Scott shares his inspiring journey of recognizing and owning his natural intuitive gifts, providing listeners with tools and practical techniques for their personal reawakening process.

You’ll discover the...

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