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69 You Are The Guardian of Your Destiny

Uncategorized Oct 16, 2024

Let’s check in with the emotional temperature of your heart. Welcome to The Voice of Intuition Podcast, where you and Laura will journey into the heart of your emotional landscape, seeking out the wisdom held within your positive, creative emotions. In this episode, we’re diving into the art of checking the emotional temperature of your heart—your inner compass that aligns you with your destiny.

Your heart’s genuine emotions are powerful. They’re spiritually connected, clear, and focused, illuminating the path ahead. These feelings are not just passing whims; they’re profound guides steering you toward the purpose you were born to fulfill. As you know, there’s also the mish-mosh of critical and negative emotions—those sneaky thoughts that can cloud your clarity, dampen your spirit, and leave you feeling discouraged about your life and purpose.

Join Laura as you embark on a hero’s journey to discover the en-couraged thoughts that...

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68 Be Still And Know That You Are

Uncategorized Oct 09, 2024

Welcome to The Voice of Intuition Podcast. Let’s start with this. Close your eyes, my friend, and do nothing. Yes, absolutely nothing. There is no task, no goal here. Simply watch and feel your breath as it enters and leaves your body.

When listening to this episode, be still and observe. Let each inhale and exhale remind you that life is happening through you. Don’t try to control the breath; let it flow naturally, as it always does, without effort. 

Today, Laura shares her “Cloud Train” meditation she does every morning. You can observe the clouds outside throughout your day and the clouds that may appear in your mind as fear, anxiety, or untimely imposed pressures to do this or that. By observing, you come back to what is genuine for you. When you trust your life and listen within, the correct timing of your life happens through observation.  Let the breath anchor you at this moment, and you will see the nervousness dissolve into the quieter...

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67 Where Is Love?

Uncategorized Oct 02, 2024

In this heart-opening episode of The Voice of Intuition Podcast, Laura Alden Kamm guides you on a gentle journey to rediscover the ever-present spark of love within yourself. 

In a world full of anxiety, anger, and chaos, it’s easy to feel disconnected from the warmth of love and loving-kindness. But as Laura teaches, love is never far—it’s within you, always waiting to be rekindled.

Laura shares her odd love of “U-turns” —those mindful moments when you recognize that you can consciously turn toward your true north–whether you on the road or within your soul. 

She explains the simple yet profound process of finding love within, holding it close, and then sharing that energy with others. This inner connection to self, soul, and Source—the divine spark that resides in you—becomes your anchor through life’s constant ebbs and flows. 

Through this connection, you can stay centered, trusting the guidance of God,...

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66 Explore Your Highest Consciousness

Uncategorized Sep 25, 2024

This week on The Voice of Intuition Podcast, I invite you to stop everything and tune in. Embark on a transformative journey to unlock your consciousness's infinite potential. Are you ready to elevate your mind, spirit, and body to new heights of awareness? 

This episode contains a meditation. DO NOT listen to the meditation if you’re driving or engaged in activities that distract from focused tasks. Come back to the meditation later, which begins at minute 13.  

This episode and its meditation intend to help you connect with your higher self’s skill and experience the profound power of your intuition. Enjoy the container of your sacred space as you journey with Laura. 

A classic, empowering chant in spiritual communities is, “Raise your vibration.” What does that mean? What’s happening? Can you raise your vibration and keep it high? Is it your vibration that brings you to your higher self? There are some BIG questions here. 


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65 Soul DNA - Awakening Your Highest Self

Uncategorized Sep 18, 2024

The episode begins as we enter the unseen Universe that surrounds us. On the cusp of the unknown, two teenage girls stand at the threshold of a journey they never expected. Across the vast expanse of the spiritual cosmos, they are about to step into a realm neither has ever witnessed, where the invisible is made known and the sacred is revealed.

This journey of two souls, guided by unseen forces and protected from passersby's distractions, takes place together. Their path is illuminated by the grace and holiness that surrounds them—and you—each and every day. They discover a universal truth: we are never alone. 

In this episode, Laura takes you on a journey that mirrors your own. The scene, the players, and the surroundings may differ, but the miracles, the love, and the ever-present hand of universal wisdom are the same. The steady guiding heart of universal love, found in all religions, philosophies, and that which is beyond human understanding, is always with...

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64 Medical Intuition - What Is It, What's It Like to Be One + An Energy Practice

Uncategorized Sep 12, 2024

You inspired this episode of The Voice of Intuition Podcast—you incredible, curious listeners! Laura often receives fascinating questions about medical intuition, and today she’s diving into your most frequently asked questions, like: 

  • What is Medical Intuition? 
  • What’s it like to be a medical intuitive, helping people in such a profound way?
  • And Laura knows so many of you have been eager to explore this question: How can I begin to read energy, the foundational skill for becoming a medical intuitive?

Laura, with her warmth and wisdom, will guide you like the compassionate mentor she is, leading you through the process of discovering your own inner intuitive abilities. 

She has spent a lifetime using her intuitive skills and empowering others to recognize and trust the voice of intuition within themselves. In this episode, she will help you take that first step toward reading your own energy field. Think of it as an invitation to meet the deeper,...

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63 Enlightenment In The Midst of Chaos

Uncategorized Sep 04, 2024

What happens when chaos takes the wheel? Anxiety and worry can pull us off course, distract us from our true path, and drown out intuition's calm, clear guidance. In this episode, I will explore the intricate dynamics between worry and intuition and how anxiety can cloud our spiritual clarity, making it difficult to hear our hearts.

These emotions make you scurry up into a tree like a scared cat! 

Yet, the most profound truth is that you are stronger than you think. Beneath that layer of fear and doubt lies an inner reservoir of strength and wisdom that can be accessed at will despite anxiety or worry potentially telling you otherwise. This episode will help you uncover the spiritual power you already have within you to overcome worry and reclaim your intuitive power. You can access an unwavering spiritual compass to guide you through life’s most anxious moments.

Listen to this spirit-filled conversation about worry, anxiety, and the remarkable strength of your inner...

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62 Encore ā€“ Worry or Wonder, Where Does Your Mind Go?

We worry way too much. Over 60% of us worry all the time. Over what? Everything! Especially when alarms and sirens go off around us. We all turn to see what’s coming, like I did just as I was about to record a podcast. 

Those alarms go off inside us, too. When that happens, we need to listen, go within, and become our first responders—our intuitive internal alarms have gone off for a reason! 

In this Encore The Voice of Intuition Podcast episode, we’ll unpack worry and offer solutions. Listen to the end to grab the acronym, which will help you turn your worries around and reframe the habit of worrying.

Why an encore podcast today? Well, I had some electrical issues due to the hurricane that passed through. The recording window was hit-and-miss. The storm passed, and all was well. I sat down, ready to grab the mic and flip the switches when….

The building's emergency evacuation alarm went off!

I grabbed my purse and laptop, and instead of worrying,...

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61 Explore the Power of Intuition

Uncategorized Aug 21, 2024

Welcome to this episode of The Voice of Intuition Podcast, where we're diving deep into a truth that resonates at the core of our being: intuition is a skill, a robust system that each of us possesses. It's not something elusive or reserved for the few; it’s a natural, intrinsic part of who we are. And just like any other skill, it can be honed, nurtured, and expanded.

When I say that intuition is a system, I mean that it’s an intricate, dynamic process woven into the very fabric of our existence. It’s a beautiful dance between our physical bodies and the conscious mind—a symphony of signals, feelings, and insights that move through us. This intuitive system is our connection to the divine, the universal consciousness of creation and Creator that flows through and around us, guiding us with a wisdom that transcends logic.

Think about the first blush of knowing, that moment when a vision, an image, or a feeling rises within you. It’s like a gentle nudge...

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60 Intuitive Wisdom Comes In Small Bites

Uncategorized Aug 07, 2024

Welcome to another episode of the Voice of Intuition podcast. Today, we’re delving into the world of intuitive wisdom, exploring how it often comes to us in small bites, nuances, and insights.

Our intuitive system gives us many gifts. A primary emphasis is on consistent sensations and insight into how to live in harmony with life and its fundamental nature, life itself, your body, and the larger influence of the universe. 

This wisdom often emerges quietly. We find profound truths in small bites of subtle whispers from our inner voice, gentle nudges, and fleeting moments of clarity.

Listen in as I share some tips to help you navigate life. Use your intuition as a guide and offer you insights in the most unexpected moments. It's in the sudden urge to take a different route home, the inexplicable feeling to reach out to a friend, or the quiet assurance that we're on the right path. These small bites of intuition are the universe's way of communicating with us, nudging us...

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