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Positive Change Is Born From Visions of Gratitude

Wow, I can’t believe how fast summer is peeling by!

We can’t slow down the clock.  But as intuitive people, we can move our perspective. We can shift our intuitive lens— slow down or leap forward in what we think of as time.

I’m feeling a lot of gratitude as we head into one of my favorite months. August. I like August so much because it’s the first month, pretty much halfway through August, where I start to notice the angle of incidence of the sun is changing, as we move towards the fall equinox.

The shadows of the trees are not as vertical. The shadows are starting to shift angles as the sun makes its way toward the southern hemisphere.

I know it sounds so geeky. But I just can’t help myself. All of you empaths reading this, well, I know you feel it too! You not only see the shadows change, you feel it—you feel the change.

Those of you in the southern hemisphere have your own experience too. You can feel the sun coming down toward...

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Feel the Love ~ Spiritual Tidying Up Energetically #2

chaos energy healing intuition Jan 13, 2022

How are you? Seriously? Lots cookin’ out there in the multi-verse. 

Firstly, I hope you and your loved ones are well. We’ll get through this OMG Omicron wave too. These days we all have a covid story or two to tell, as the degree of separation regarding this global experience is basically at 0 degrees.

April will begin to feel a lot better. Hang in there! (Years 2016.5 - 2029/2030 are what I call The Hot Years of our generations. …more on this in a few weeks.)

Last week’s blog, Tools for Spiritual Tidying - Mental Clutter has a great practice, which can bring a great deal of peace, self-awareness and clear direction and insights for your work, dreams, curiosities and life. I hope you’ve taken it for a test drive. If not… zooom over and give it a spin. 

 This week, let’s jump into Spiritual Tidying from an invisible impact point of view. Actually, nothing is invisible to your intuitive system and that’s my...

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Happiest Holidays 2021

change courage intuition Dec 24, 2021

Blessings to you and yours this Holiday Season. It’s been my delight and joy to connect with so many of you throughout the year. You’re some of the bravest, brightest, and delightful people I know.

But it hasn’t been easy. Some of you have lost loved ones. I'm truly so very sorry.... Some have given or are about to give birth - life renewing itself. Some of you have found that sense of deep love for yourself - a love unlike any other. A blessing.

A few of you have written their books, which have been dancing in your hearts and energy fields for a long time. Congratulations! Many of you are getting started on your deeper purpose and leaping forward, which is so exciting! Others are redefining your next steps through healing and coping illnesses. My prayers are sent to you daily.

It's time dearest ones to get well, get clear, and herald life's new revelations. 

We’re living life in the middle of life and we all need to just keep going. 

I say,...

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"Waiting For Your Answers

change guidance intuition Nov 21, 2021

When we seek help from our hearts and the heavens, wouldn't it be just peachy if the answers would arrive super fast? 

Sometimes they do. Sometimes they don’t. We know, though, answers arrive right on time. They always do — not a second too early; not a second too late.

It’s hard to be patient with this universal delivery system; especially, when we get anxious or fearful or when we really just want to solve a practical problem. Answers can be elusive and sneak around, weaving in and around the corners of our mind for quite some time. 

I believe it has to do with committed survival on a new level. Are we really ready to go to the next level? All parts of us — body, mind and spirit have to agree to the “yes.”  We need to be willing to show up and face the unknown. Good times, right?

Even if we’re a bit sheepish; a willingness to rise IS required to rise. That's spiritual physics. 

You all know I am crazy in love...

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Pushing Yourself Awake

NOTE: This is a two-part piece. Next week I’ll share a personal, very unexpected, encounter Irecently had. One, I believe, you can relate to. For now, enjoy this week’s preamble.  

 What I’ve seen lately is exhausted people.  Perhaps you are too. Your mind spins and you can’t sleep. You push yourself to stay awake to complete a task. You try to push time, squeezing a few more moments out of your day. 

Be mindful, you’re not sacrificing your life or health for the illusionary paradox of controlled freedom.

The same paradox knocks on your door as you step on a path to awaken spiritually. But, you don’t have control over how or when or where you awaken. It’s not a thing to pursue. You’ll not see the big picture until you do. Although, you will be graced with vivid sections of its mosaic from time to time.

You don’t have control over your spiritual awakening. Not the way you’d like...

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How To Open Your Intuition

 2020 has been a year of connected worry, fear, anger, sadness, and every other emotions you're capable of having. There is no better time than right now to open up and use your intuitive skills for your life and wellness. This spin cycle of tumult will pass and you’ll be ready to soar.

Intuition can feel elusive. Like you're reaching for something you know is there; yet, you can't quite grab it. As times change, we do get better. Yet, no matter how good you are at something, you still have to practice the fundamentals. In doing so, you’ll discover nuances which build even more skill.

 Developing intuition — for life, holistic healing work, or business — requires knowing how you uniquely access this type of information and information in general.

 Given that all things are made of energy, the question remains, how do we begin to sense it accurately? We all sense energy. Where we get stuck is in our interpretation and accuracy.


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A Message + What's Next and What to Do About It

You have an incredible power. It's the power to choose and to create from your choices.

In challenging times, there are seeds of greatness within you ready to sprout. When trouble rounds the corner, solutions are either embedded within the problem or sit on its periphery.

Either way, solutions are within your intuitive grasp.

No matter what you’re facing. You’ll never lose your capacity to choose, to create, and to change. Even if circumstances limit your sense of freedom in the moment.

When change is upon us, to the degree that it is currently, we often feel numb and powerless. Those feelings are normal; given we're standing at an evolutionary fork in the road. It's hard to remain yippee skippy when you feel something is afoot.

More changes are just around the corner. Like in just a few days…. We will begin to feel the shift by the end of this week Then, within 160 days or so, we will rise again, tenderly at first. Then more solidly. Life will carry on and we...

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How Do You Awaken Your Spirit?

 There are 86,400 seconds in your day. Micro-moments in which you can experience enlightenment.

~ LAKamm

Your ability and capacity to perceive are the catalysts that make up your reality. They are the framework for your awakened moments.

Intuitively speaking, your current intuitive abilities and the lens of perception through which you view the world shape all of your decision making, from the mundane to the miraculous.

What is true for all of us — the more we mature, physically, emotionally and spiritually — our capacities of conscious mind change, as well as our range of abilities.

You may think you’re making a decision based on facts, preferences and what you know. However, your intuitive system has offered first-responder suggestions in the form of whispers, somatic sensations and knowings regarding your choice. Its success and trajectory.

In most cases, depending on skills and conditions, these intuitive offerings can be as accurate as mathematic...

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[CHAKRA EXPERIENCE] Decisions & Your Visionary Power

“Stand still … you are never without direction. Clarity arises in flawless sequence with need, intent, and direction.” ~ LAKamm

Ajna. The sixth chakra … the place wherein a subtle sense of awareness continually flows beyond time.

Profound and ever-evolving thirsts of soul and Spirit are quenched here, as elevated intuitive thoughts dissolve constricted conflict.

Life emerges aligned and resolute. Practical and spiritual living integrates, softening the once eyebrow-lifting paradox.

The feared unknown, crouching beyond your control, can be illumined.

What would it feel like for you to stand at your crossroads and KNOW which way to turn, entering into a new promising path?

 Like the wings on the back of this Texas woman’s truck, in the movie Castaway, there are always visual cues and signs along the way. In addition to the non-visual wisdom that arises. 

This sixth seat of energy and power can propel you through perceptual...

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[CHAKRA SERIES] How to Open Your Voice of Wisdom

“When you trust yourself ~ miracles follow.”

— LAKamm

All that exists within the upper and lower hemispheres of your energetic structures are expressed through your fifth chakra. They are marbled with all things human and Spirit,

In order for your intuition to grow and strengthen, in order for you to grow and evolve as a human being, you have to follow universal laws of operation.

It is here in the fifth chakra that you must commit to expressing universal and personal law, truth, and wisdom. Universal/spiritual law distills down to what you create as your personal honor code, driven by your combined and awakened energetic seats of power.

In this fifth seat of power, we can find ourselves muted along with our wisdom and power. After all, the voice of your intuition, your wellness, and the health of your relationships are only empowered to the degree that you speak your truth out loud, in words and in deeds.

Often when I'm in session with someone and...

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