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Masks, Elevators and Enlightenment - Tools For Spiritual Tidying #3

Elevators, masks and enlightenment...let's chat.

Spiritual Tidying, or any clean-up job, requires self-control, inspiration and dedication to the task at hand; all for the desired result of uncluttered flow, spaciousness and a more obvious, vibrant connection with the important things in your life. 

But elevators?

Ride along with me for a little FAQ on shiny distractions and psychological control. 

Passenger elevators came into existence in the mid 1800's, along with new construction techniques, demonstrating that architects would now be able to successfully elevate building heights. This allowed for the utilization of vertical space as opposed to massive amounts of horizontal space. Makes sense.

I do find it interesting that there were significant spiritual movements at that time as well. hmmm... technology and spirituality growing at the same time. it's called, The Second Great Awakening. 

Back to elevators... 

 From the mid 19th Century to...

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Empathic Self-Care & Healing

You’ve hopped into your car, fresh from the dentist’s chair. The shrill reverb of the drill echos in your ears. The slurping sound of the suction tube makes your jaw tighter still. Muted office chatter, which stealthily soaked into your nervous system feels like a spoon blending all of that commotion together. 


Now, you have to drive your poked and prodded gums into traffic and get back to your day! Er, right… “I need a nap.” your body whimpers.

Take this situation or anything else that feels uncomfortable and chafing — you know your nervous system has been impacted, small or significant.

We think we’re impervious to the pressure of our high-tech world. News channels bark angry stir-the-pot opinions and commentary, because … you know, breaking news rarely happens. They can’t have dead air. Somebody has got to comment on something.

We silently keep telling ourselves that we can handle all of this. However, we...

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