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Video + Heart Energy Check-In

chakra energy healing Mar 10, 2021

 As we move into Springtime, as it will be here soon, I thought I'd share this visualization with which you can explore and give the energy of your heart a little check up and pick-me-up. 

Enjoy this visualization. It was a spontaneous channeling during a recent class gathering for  the Becoming a Medical Intuitive Course. It's so important to go deep inside, especially since this past year has been crestfallen for many. 

Let the light shine within your heart like a benediction. A sutra. An energetic chant of connected universal awareness, grace and healing. Reconnect with your gifts. Feel the movement or congestion of your heart's energy and set free what needs to move along or generate more strength and resolve. 

You are a boundless soul of light and the body you have is meant to connect to the heavens, yourself, others, and earth. We do this in many ways. None more significant than the heart. 

Life is good. Life is nut-so. Life is an...

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How Do You Awaken Your Spirit?

 There are 86,400 seconds in your day. Micro-moments in which you can experience enlightenment.

~ LAKamm

Your ability and capacity to perceive are the catalysts that make up your reality. They are the framework for your awakened moments.

Intuitively speaking, your current intuitive abilities and the lens of perception through which you view the world shape all of your decision making, from the mundane to the miraculous.

What is true for all of us — the more we mature, physically, emotionally and spiritually — our capacities of conscious mind change, as well as our range of abilities.

You may think you’re making a decision based on facts, preferences and what you know. However, your intuitive system has offered first-responder suggestions in the form of whispers, somatic sensations and knowings regarding your choice. Its success and trajectory.

In most cases, depending on skills and conditions, these intuitive offerings can be as accurate as mathematic...

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[CHAKRA EXPERIENCE] Decisions & Your Visionary Power

“Stand still … you are never without direction. Clarity arises in flawless sequence with need, intent, and direction.” ~ LAKamm

Ajna. The sixth chakra … the place wherein a subtle sense of awareness continually flows beyond time.

Profound and ever-evolving thirsts of soul and Spirit are quenched here, as elevated intuitive thoughts dissolve constricted conflict.

Life emerges aligned and resolute. Practical and spiritual living integrates, softening the once eyebrow-lifting paradox.

The feared unknown, crouching beyond your control, can be illumined.

What would it feel like for you to stand at your crossroads and KNOW which way to turn, entering into a new promising path?

 Like the wings on the back of this Texas woman’s truck, in the movie Castaway, there are always visual cues and signs along the way. In addition to the non-visual wisdom that arises. 

This sixth seat of energy and power can propel you through perceptual...

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[CHAKRA SERIES] The Seat of Your Soul

“The conscious mind is never unconscious to itself. Even though, at times, we are unconscious to that which is conscious within us.” — LAKamm

I hold my three-week-old grandson, looking into his eyes of potential.

“I love you. I see you.” I whisper.

He stares back, sometimes as a newborn. Sometimes, we meet in that place that exists beyond his and my eyes.

We meet in infinite waters … within an ocean beyond time.

As an intuitive, I can see him forward and backward, inside and out; yet, I wait. Inviting him in for those priceless moments when he can join me there.

Soul to soul. Heart to heart.

That’s where he and I connect. That’s where we regard and remember each other. That’s where we all connect … through the eyes within our hearts.

I began my medical and structural intuitive work as a hands-on healer.

As my hand would hover over client’s hearts, pictures would flow through my mind’s eye regarding...

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[CHAKRA SERIES] Power and Intuitive Wellness

You have tremendous internal resources of power. Power for your life and wellness. I'm excited to share this series with you as we enter into the Holiday Season and close out 2019. 

The more self-aware you are, the happier and more wellness you'll experience. You’ll easily navigate the ever-changing plans and personalities that naturally come with this time of year. 

Wouldn't that be nice to flow through the next 60 days and wake up mid-January with a smile on your face. Because, you sailed through the Holidays. 

You actually enjoyed yourself! You handled everything beautifully, while taking care of yourself, as well as your family and friends.

The Holidays can be one of the most hectic periods of the year, as if this year wasn't hectic enough. Right?

In this series we will examine the most fundamental and catalytic elements and connections within your yogic-based energy system — the chakras. The seven primary...

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The Energetic Hierarchy of A Healer

alignment chakra healer Apr 28, 2019

There is nothing more important than to discuss, discover, and to experience one’s soul in action in this life. In order to do that we need to be open, allowing and awake to our own healing power and the grace that surrounds us, always.

 The purpose of healing is to reestablish alignment. As a healing facilitator, that's what you do - reestablish alignment for your client or patient.

 So, what about you as a gorgeous and delightful human being? What about you as a healer?

 Through the years I observed an interesting hierarchy within people that, when it’s connecting, allows them to facilitate their own healing and help others discover the power of healing.

 It doesn’t matter if you’ve been trained in a certain healing art or medical system. This is an organic system that exists and operates outside of, yet, is also connected to any knowledge you acquire. Like I always say, “When it comes to healing, you’re the method.”


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