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Happiest Holidays 2021

change courage intuition Dec 24, 2021

Blessings to you and yours this Holiday Season. It’s been my delight and joy to connect with so many of you throughout the year. You’re some of the bravest, brightest, and delightful people I know.

But it hasn’t been easy. Some of you have lost loved ones. I'm truly so very sorry.... Some have given or are about to give birth - life renewing itself. Some of you have found that sense of deep love for yourself - a love unlike any other. A blessing.

A few of you have written their books, which have been dancing in your hearts and energy fields for a long time. Congratulations! Many of you are getting started on your deeper purpose and leaping forward, which is so exciting! Others are redefining your next steps through healing and coping illnesses. My prayers are sent to you daily.

It's time dearest ones to get well, get clear, and herald life's new revelations. 

We’re living life in the middle of life and we all need to just keep going. 

I say, “Well done all!”

Many of you have changed jobs, started healing businesses, and moved to different places to begin anew. Lots of changes with friendships, perspectives, gifts, and outlooks on life.

To me… you’ve all come through these changes as winners, because you followed your soulful heart.

Some of you have successfully dodged, ducked, and avoided COVID. Some of you caught COVID and faced it head on with triumph.

Personally, I hit all those COVID notes too. Vaccines, fresh air and mindfully avoiding super crowded spaces didn’t stop that particular journey for me.

So I leapt into the opportunity and turned my Medical Intuitive lens on myself. I became my own COVID case study. It was fascinating and a big drag all at the same time. I’ll share more about this down the road. I witnessed and learned a ton! 

For now, on this day and in the following days - with my whole heart - I wish you so much joy, inner peace, and the strength to keep going.

God, in all its quiet and magnificent forms and philosophies, holds this universe and all things in love. Cherish the love you hold for yourself and for those around you.

As far as 2021 is concerned, check and checkmate!

We are almost complete and ready for a new adventure! 

Keep growing in confidence and strengthening your connection with your Spirit via intuition. It’s the through line catalyst to your awakened life.

With deep love and big hugs to you all,


Calm your body, find balance, and understand your empathic gifts

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