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Evolving Your Place and Peace

Firstly, Happy Father’s Day to those of you who are fathers. Those who are both father and mother to your kids or others. And to those father’s who are in Spirit. "Hi! Love you Dad!"

Secondarily, how are you doing, really?  That line is repeated over and over in Downton Abby, so I couldn’t help myself.

I’ve been soaking up the episodes of Downton. Why? I love the music; the velvet green hills and significant trees of England; the costumes; and besides, it’s peaceful. Okay, it’s easy to fall asleep to while in my comfy chair. 

You know, peace of mind and body is my imperative these days. Anyone raising their hand out there?

The world is a bit on a tilt, and I’m sure no one is surprised. Evolution is not easy. And my darling friends we are in it and heading for the next doorway. 

This is a good thing because, thank goodness, you’re awake and aware; therefore, you are an integral part of the solution. ...

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A Message + What's Next and What to Do About It

You have an incredible power. It's the power to choose and to create from your choices.

In challenging times, there are seeds of greatness within you ready to sprout. When trouble rounds the corner, solutions are either embedded within the problem or sit on its periphery.

Either way, solutions are within your intuitive grasp.

No matter what you’re facing. You’ll never lose your capacity to choose, to create, and to change. Even if circumstances limit your sense of freedom in the moment.

When change is upon us, to the degree that it is currently, we often feel numb and powerless. Those feelings are normal; given we're standing at an evolutionary fork in the road. It's hard to remain yippee skippy when you feel something is afoot.

More changes are just around the corner. Like in just a few days…. We will begin to feel the shift by the end of this week Then, within 160 days or so, we will rise again, tenderly at first. Then more solidly. Life will carry on and we...

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[CHAKRA EXPERIENCE] Decisions & Your Visionary Power

“Stand still … you are never without direction. Clarity arises in flawless sequence with need, intent, and direction.” ~ LAKamm

Ajna. The sixth chakra … the place wherein a subtle sense of awareness continually flows beyond time.

Profound and ever-evolving thirsts of soul and Spirit are quenched here, as elevated intuitive thoughts dissolve constricted conflict.

Life emerges aligned and resolute. Practical and spiritual living integrates, softening the once eyebrow-lifting paradox.

The feared unknown, crouching beyond your control, can be illumined.

What would it feel like for you to stand at your crossroads and KNOW which way to turn, entering into a new promising path?

 Like the wings on the back of this Texas woman’s truck, in the movie Castaway, there are always visual cues and signs along the way. In addition to the non-visual wisdom that arises. 

This sixth seat of energy and power can propel you through perceptual...

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