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Tools for Spiritual Tidying #1 - A Three-Part Series

(Have fun with the Practice!)

So! Okay! We’re forward facing into 2022. 

We’ve tidied up our homes; put away bows and ribbons, our sacred and joyful items which bring our holy days to Light. 

I don’t know about you but I see a ton of videos and post on social about 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5+ steps to have the most awesome, abundant, productive and best year of your entire life EVER!

Nothing wrong with this. Our society and nervous systems are conditioned that December 31st is the end of the year. Period. The END of the line. Buh-bye 2021! And a “flying-finger-of-fate of good riddance” for some. 

Some of these ideas are actually helpful reminders. For me, and I believe for you, we know everything begins with Spirit. 

Our path, passion and purpose are delivered to us through the voice of our deepest self. Our truest sense of wonder and truth. 

The path to your place of origin is the place to begin decluttering. Kind of like the community...

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Pushing Yourself Awake

NOTE: This is a two-part piece. Next week I’ll share a personal, very unexpected, encounter Irecently had. One, I believe, you can relate to. For now, enjoy this week’s preamble.  

 What I’ve seen lately is exhausted people.  Perhaps you are too. Your mind spins and you can’t sleep. You push yourself to stay awake to complete a task. You try to push time, squeezing a few more moments out of your day. 

Be mindful, you’re not sacrificing your life or health for the illusionary paradox of controlled freedom.

The same paradox knocks on your door as you step on a path to awaken spiritually. But, you don’t have control over how or when or where you awaken. It’s not a thing to pursue. You’ll not see the big picture until you do. Although, you will be graced with vivid sections of its mosaic from time to time.

You don’t have control over your spiritual awakening. Not the way you’d like...

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Rounding The Corner

I don’t know what I would do without my meditation practice. I’m sure I’d be much more of a wild child.

Our meditation practice allows us to open ourselves to our emotions and thoughts. No matter their softness or velocity of pain. Memories arise. Anger and confusion can startle us awake. Joy can settle a quivering heart with its internal dance.

Life is a powerful series of sublime and startling changes. We are always rounding corners in our lives. We do so in silent ways or we power up and move toward an intended goal.

Sometimes, when life is hard, you just want the excruciating arc of the corner to end. We want to round the corner now!

We shout, “Make it stop! Make it better!” I, too, have had my “make it better moments.”

Several months ago, my body was going in the opposite direction I wanted it to go. I was literally trying to make it move around the corner of my bed whimpering, “Come on sweet body, you just need to get around the...

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How To Open Your Intuition

 2020 has been a year of connected worry, fear, anger, sadness, and every other emotions you're capable of having. There is no better time than right now to open up and use your intuitive skills for your life and wellness. This spin cycle of tumult will pass and you’ll be ready to soar.

Intuition can feel elusive. Like you're reaching for something you know is there; yet, you can't quite grab it. As times change, we do get better. Yet, no matter how good you are at something, you still have to practice the fundamentals. In doing so, you’ll discover nuances which build even more skill.

 Developing intuition — for life, holistic healing work, or business — requires knowing how you uniquely access this type of information and information in general.

 Given that all things are made of energy, the question remains, how do we begin to sense it accurately? We all sense energy. Where we get stuck is in our interpretation and accuracy.


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A Powerful Practice to Root Your Energy

Your root. The foundational power of your life, connectivity, and the base of self-esteem.

Your root. Your sense of safety, from which arises your perception of worthiness.

Your root. Your survival level of intuitive perception.

Your root. The (un)conscious operating system that runs a pre-programed life or peeled back presence, achieved through vulnerability, allowing, healing, and self-realization.

Your root. The nano-speed gear controlling your impulsive and “yes” or “no” choices.

 Your root. The place from which your style of nurturing and nourishment is dictated.

Your root. The foundational structure through which all stages and levels of consciousness filtrate.

You’re a top down creature — a conscious soul being human. Paradoxically, we live from the root up; like a seed seeking to capture, be nourished by, and remember the Light from which it comes.

In conversations with people, l often see their energy dance upward as they describe...

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