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Become Your Most Positive Self

alignment enlightenment Jul 16, 2022

I hope you’re doing well and life is good. I know for some, this might be a big ask. Today, I want to share three organic phases you can move through to transform yourself into the most positive sense of self you can in the moment. 

Life reflects the lens through which we view it. You know, when I hop on a call with a client, I always ask, “How are you? Often times their response goes something like this. 

“Well, if everything was great I wouldn’t be calling.” That’s true for them in the moment. 

As a human being; as someone of service; and as a medical intuitive my hours are designed to help transform problems, pointing toward a true and positive direction.

Focusing on what is; what’s next; and the new direction(s) to move toward in which myself or clients/students want to go. Always in the safest and most efficient way, moving along the most positive path. 

Taking the high road, the positive path, is not always...

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Masks, Elevators and Enlightenment - Tools For Spiritual Tidying #3

Elevators, masks and enlightenment...let's chat.

Spiritual Tidying, or any clean-up job, requires self-control, inspiration and dedication to the task at hand; all for the desired result of uncluttered flow, spaciousness and a more obvious, vibrant connection with the important things in your life. 

But elevators?

Ride along with me for a little FAQ on shiny distractions and psychological control. 

Passenger elevators came into existence in the mid 1800's, along with new construction techniques, demonstrating that architects would now be able to successfully elevate building heights. This allowed for the utilization of vertical space as opposed to massive amounts of horizontal space. Makes sense.

I do find it interesting that there were significant spiritual movements at that time as well. hmmm... technology and spirituality growing at the same time. it's called, The Second Great Awakening. 

Back to elevators... 

 From the mid 19th Century to...

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How Do You Awaken Your Spirit?

 There are 86,400 seconds in your day. Micro-moments in which you can experience enlightenment.

~ LAKamm

Your ability and capacity to perceive are the catalysts that make up your reality. They are the framework for your awakened moments.

Intuitively speaking, your current intuitive abilities and the lens of perception through which you view the world shape all of your decision making, from the mundane to the miraculous.

What is true for all of us — the more we mature, physically, emotionally and spiritually — our capacities of conscious mind change, as well as our range of abilities.

You may think you’re making a decision based on facts, preferences and what you know. However, your intuitive system has offered first-responder suggestions in the form of whispers, somatic sensations and knowings regarding your choice. Its success and trajectory.

In most cases, depending on skills and conditions, these intuitive offerings can be as accurate as mathematic...

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