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[CHAKRA SERIES] Power and Intuitive Wellness

You have tremendous internal resources of power. Power for your life and wellness. I'm excited to share this series with you as we enter into the Holiday Season and close out 2019. 

The more self-aware you are, the happier and more wellness you'll experience. You’ll easily navigate the ever-changing plans and personalities that naturally come with this time of year. 

Wouldn't that be nice to flow through the next 60 days and wake up mid-January with a smile on your face. Because, you sailed through the Holidays. 

You actually enjoyed yourself! You handled everything beautifully, while taking care of yourself, as well as your family and friends.

The Holidays can be one of the most hectic periods of the year, as if this year wasn't hectic enough. Right?

In this series we will examine the most fundamental and catalytic elements and connections within your yogic-based energy system — the chakras. The seven primary...

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The Upside Of Being An Empath

empath intuition meditation Aug 25, 2019

I'm standing on the corner 77th St. and 3rd Ave. in New York City. It's always busy. It's always noisy. New Yorkers are oddly quieted by the symphony of horns, the subway’s swooshing rattle popping up through the steel grates on the sidewalk, and the whoop whoop whoop of sirens. 

They are the sounds of home in the City.

School just let out. I left my apartment to hunt and gather for my dinner. A couple of middle school kids stood beside me at the corner. 

Like a rubberized superhero in a movie who, while standing in a static position in the midst of chaos, I was intuitively drawn out of my body and hovered above the fray to feel an ominous coming.

“What’s going on this time?”

The WALK sign flashed in our direction and it was clear to go; yet, it wasn’t!

I landed back in my body just in time to break free from my New York street cocoon and said,” Hey kids, wait!” 

My right arms stretched out as if I was in my car protecting my...

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Empathic Self-Care & Healing

You’ve hopped into your car, fresh from the dentist’s chair. The shrill reverb of the drill echos in your ears. The slurping sound of the suction tube makes your jaw tighter still. Muted office chatter, which stealthily soaked into your nervous system feels like a spoon blending all of that commotion together. 


Now, you have to drive your poked and prodded gums into traffic and get back to your day! Er, right… “I need a nap.” your body whimpers.

Take this situation or anything else that feels uncomfortable and chafing — you know your nervous system has been impacted, small or significant.

We think we’re impervious to the pressure of our high-tech world. News channels bark angry stir-the-pot opinions and commentary, because … you know, breaking news rarely happens. They can’t have dead air. Somebody has got to comment on something.

We silently keep telling ourselves that we can handle all of this. However, we...

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