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#38. Steps To Strengthen Your Intuition

Uncategorized May 31, 2023

Listen in and wait for the section in the podcast where I talk about who roamed our house as my siblings and I were growing up. It was a shared experience between the four of us, occurring at different times. But we are all silent about it. Until….

I love exploring the various ways, simple ways, we can experience and develop confidence in our intuitive system. In the episode of The Voice of Intuition Podcast, we’ll explore easy-to-use steps to develop and champion your intuition.

Let’s all be brave and use and discuss intuition with confidence and the naturalness it deserves. Intuition, once hidden within the shadows of the occult, is now without question, mainstream and ubiquitous. 

Lean in and learn…

  • Easy ideas to bring your intuition more into your everyday
  • What comes first, second, third, etc in the process of creation
  • Find the stories you might be using which slow or stunt your intuitive power
  • Ways to ease up and invoke your compassionate voice 


Big XO!


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