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#44 How To Do An Intuitive Reading

Uncategorized Jul 26, 2023

In this week’s episode of The Voice of Intuition Podcast, we’re going to have some fun. 

Let’s walk through several key steps so that you can grab the necessary framework to conduct your own Intuitive Wellness or Medical Intuition reading on yourself or someone else. 

If you’re a practitioner in the healing arts, no matter the modality, I trust this will support and remind you, to reset the way you’re utilizing your gifts in session. 

No matter how your intuitive system works for you, you need to maintain its strength and abilities by taking care of yourself. 

Sometimes, as healing people, the work or our skills are so second nature to us, we drop some of the basics. We don’t always take the necessary time out and reset after we’ve done intuitive work or every-day problem solving. 

But we must!

We must care for ourselves and keep the framework of self-care alive and well in the context of our everyday life and within our work in the world.

Enjoy this PDF! Medical Intuition: how to set yourself up for a successful reading  

This podcast is for educational purposes only. If you have any medical conditions, please seek the appropriate support and attention of a physician, therapist, dentist or other healthcare provider. 

By accessing The Voice of Intuition Podcast, with Laura Alden Kamm I acknowledge that all contents are the property of Laura Alden Kamm International, LLC: or with collaborative agreement of a guest or co-host and used by Laura Alden Kamm International, LLC, are protected under U.S. and international copyright and trademark laws. Users of The Voice of Intuition Podcast may save, use and enjoy this information contained herein, no matter the platform or format, this material is only used for personal and educational purposes. No other use or publications of this work, including, without limitation, reproduction, retransmission or editing, in any form (transcription, hard and soft copy text, digital, audio, video, etc.) of this Podcast may be made without the prior written permission of the Laura Alden Kamm International, LLC. If wishing to utilize this content in any form, you may submit a request to do so by emailing: [email protected]


Calm your body, find balance, and understand your empathic gifts

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