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Become Your Most Positive Self

alignment enlightenment Jul 16, 2022

I hope you’re doing well and life is good. I know for some, this might be a big ask. Today, I want to share three organic phases you can move through to transform yourself into the most positive sense of self you can in the moment. 

Life reflects the lens through which we view it. You know, when I hop on a call with a client, I always ask, “How are you? Often times their response goes something like this. 

“Well, if everything was great I wouldn’t be calling.” That’s true for them in the moment. 

As a human being; as someone of service; and as a medical intuitive my hours are designed to help transform problems, pointing toward a true and positive direction.

Focusing on what is; what’s next; and the new direction(s) to move toward in which myself or clients/students want to go. Always in the safest and most efficient way, moving along the most positive path. 

Taking the high road, the positive path, is not always...

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Rounding The Corner

I don’t know what I would do without my meditation practice. I’m sure I’d be much more of a wild child.

Our meditation practice allows us to open ourselves to our emotions and thoughts. No matter their softness or velocity of pain. Memories arise. Anger and confusion can startle us awake. Joy can settle a quivering heart with its internal dance.

Life is a powerful series of sublime and startling changes. We are always rounding corners in our lives. We do so in silent ways or we power up and move toward an intended goal.

Sometimes, when life is hard, you just want the excruciating arc of the corner to end. We want to round the corner now!

We shout, “Make it stop! Make it better!” I, too, have had my “make it better moments.”

Several months ago, my body was going in the opposite direction I wanted it to go. I was literally trying to make it move around the corner of my bed whimpering, “Come on sweet body, you just need to get around the...

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The Energetic Hierarchy of A Healer

alignment chakra healer Apr 28, 2019

There is nothing more important than to discuss, discover, and to experience one’s soul in action in this life. In order to do that we need to be open, allowing and awake to our own healing power and the grace that surrounds us, always.

 The purpose of healing is to reestablish alignment. As a healing facilitator, that's what you do - reestablish alignment for your client or patient.

 So, what about you as a gorgeous and delightful human being? What about you as a healer?

 Through the years I observed an interesting hierarchy within people that, when it’s connecting, allows them to facilitate their own healing and help others discover the power of healing.

 It doesn’t matter if you’ve been trained in a certain healing art or medical system. This is an organic system that exists and operates outside of, yet, is also connected to any knowledge you acquire. Like I always say, “When it comes to healing, you’re the method.”


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