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Finding Your New Horizon

How have you been lately? 

The roller coaster years are still a bit in play. But hey! It’s getting better; yet, the flow of our lives have been rerouted. Our paths are changing. 

A good thing.

I wanted to say “Hi!” and check in with you.  Let’s do a temperature check — 

How is your physical health? Are you feeling well, or are you experiencing overwhelm or discomfort, hair loss, etc? 

Seriously, hair loss is a big deal for many right now! (…hint, more on this in an upcoming podcast on covid stress rebounding.) 

How is your intuitive health? Feeling confident in what you’re receiving? Or has your trust regarding your inner voice gotten a wee bit shaky or stymied? 

And your happiness factor — your mental and spiritual health? Do you feel like you’re in your groove and a solid routine allows you take on the day? 

Do you feel alignment within yourself? Or is your mind and heart wandering around, trying to find your elusive North Star with which you really want to sync and get on with it? 

I get it. It sometimes takes a while to get back on your feet and for all of us to get back on our global feet. Steady as we go!

A friend and awesome Cranial Sacral Therapist, reminded me the other day of a conversation she and I had years ago. (Hi, fabulous Miss JB!) Something I had said stuck with her and had become “a guiding light” in her decision making process. 

You know how it is, you’re chatting with a friend and something just makes sense and you say it. The words simply spill out from your heart. We’ve all been there. 

Anyway, evidently, what I said to my friend was, “follow the path which feels the most healing to you.” She was going into some heady stuff and that statement caught her attention at the right time. 

As we keep on living and start to live with greater intention and clarity regarding with whom, why, where, and in what manner do we need and want to live, we need to consider … “what path do you need to follow that offers the most healing for you?”

Healing means you have come to a sense of understanding, alignment, clarity and, therefore, a direction and horizon is now opening, begging you forward. 

You may not regain what you’ve lost; however, you’re gaining what is new and next for you. There is always some sense of upliftment in this process. 

I didn’t say it was easy. Although, ease eventually comes from an opening horizon. That I do know for certain. 

In the meantime, let’s continue to nurture ourselves and the people we love. Some of whom we have yet to see for the past few years. 

I say, as life circumstances releases us back to ourselves in a new way, let us rejoice!

Grateful for the lessons. Prayerful of those whom we may have lost in this season. Even if your the one who’s lost a part of yourself in the chaos. 

Don’t quit. Actually, you’re just getting started. If you feel a little lost still, pull in from the noise and look in the mirror. You’ll find yourself within those deep eyes of yours. 

Remember how marvelous you are. That you’ve been, are, and will always be a unique miracle. 

Take some time, go outside and feel the earth under your feet. Get your footing back. Let her talk to you. She’s right there, under your feet.

Let the energy of  her stability rise up into your feet, legs, heart and lift upward toward your Spirit. 

Give it a go in the light of the full moon and have yourself a party with you in-between heaven and earth. A celestial meeting of the REAL powers that be. 

Call yourself home. 

Much love to you all, 










Calm your body, find balance, and understand your empathic gifts

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