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How to Find and Follow Your Joy

I remember seeing my mother’s satisfying smiles as she watched us from her favorite chair. She would say to me, “It's all I ever want … to see my family together having fun.” Our family is lucky that way. We are all creative and curious Wild Things.

As women, whether we are motherly to many or a few, the delight we experience in having those whom we love around us cultivates boundless joy.

There is an expansive feminine nature that ripples through us all. It’s filled with source-inspired creativity, insights, and a map, which guides the birth of our true joys in life, connecting us.

I want to expand on that connected thought … you know how you pay attention to the dreams you have a right before you wake up? I do the same.

These flashes of insight are a powerful message board, filled with hidden, convoluted, and in-your-face memorandums from your spirit and body.

These insights contain an imperative voice. They are the guidons of your joy.


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