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A Message + What's Next and What to Do About It

You have an incredible power. It's the power to choose and to create from your choices.

In challenging times, there are seeds of greatness within you ready to sprout. When trouble rounds the corner, solutions are either embedded within the problem or sit on its periphery.

Either way, solutions are within your intuitive grasp.

No matter what you’re facing. You’ll never lose your capacity to choose, to create, and to change. Even if circumstances limit your sense of freedom in the moment.

When change is upon us, to the degree that it is currently, we often feel numb and powerless. Those feelings are normal; given we're standing at an evolutionary fork in the road. It's hard to remain yippee skippy when you feel something is afoot.

More changes are just around the corner. Like in just a few days…. We will begin to feel the shift by the end of this week Then, within 160 days or so, we will rise again, tenderly at first. Then more solidly. Life will carry on and we must listen to ourselves, and not be afraid to move out of our comfort zone. 

Life is building us new zones. 

You may feel internal pressures of uncertainty, lack of direction, etc. You’ll be okay. We will make it through this. We're doing alright so far, even in the midst of all that has happened. 

Remain intuitive, optimistic, realistic, and kind. 

Externally, new norms will continue to be established in the current vein, unless we grow and choose balance.

I saw this burst of growth coming in a vision in 1990.  This vision has been in my face for decades. I've been silent; with all but a few. Nothing to do now but walk it. And we will walk it together.

Now, we’re in the midst of a short 12 year burst within a much longer era. When this 12 years is complete, another evolutionary bursts will arrive on our doorsteps. That is the way it is.

And it’s all good…

These changes include the virus; yet, are beyond the virus. These changes and transitions include politics, digital currency, and technology; yet, they are surface catalysts, as you know.

This unique era, this slope of change, is approximately 210 years in length — until  2070-ish. A very, very short era within a larger geological and human epoch.

These changes are not new. They are new to us.

Evolution always has surprises. We’re at an interesting time in our conscious evolution. We are slightly over two-thirds through this 210 year era. All in all, we're doing great and we can do better...and we will. 

This current 12 year ‘burst’ is critical regarding the direction in which we are eventually taken, led, or choose to go.

Repeat -- Taken. Led... or choose to go.

Consciousness and the gaining of catalytic awarenesses within this 210 year era has been evolving around the world since the mid 1800’s. That’s when, in my view, this particular up-leveling era of evolution began to turn new cogs.

Collectively, technology changed. Educational and social systems changed. Philosophies changed. Life-giving instruments, as well as instruments of death and destruction were created theoretically and then via new technologies — from steam, electric, petrochemical, atomic, and sub-atomic (neutrino particles.) 

I won’t digress into those details right now. However, my point is, this current time, from 2016.5 months - 2028.9 months is a tectonic wild ride of conscious evolution.

Remember, you decided to be here during this time. Aren’t you something? Well, yes, indeed, you are!

In this very moment, we are in the midst of another sweep of change, similar to 2016 and this spring, 2020. Change, not in the sense of a particular catalyst itself, but of the consciousness which will be stirred within you and me.

Beyond the surface chaos of life on the planet, you must keep your eye on the Light, which can and will guide you.

Your power to listen and choose, especially from information that is intuitively driven, is a skill. A skill which must be developed in earnest and be sustained in these times.

Like the Buddha and Jesus taught us, you have the power to make a choice to accelerate your skills and states of awareness toward a more elevated station. This is done through developmental practices.

Whether you're in a place of accepting your intuitive information and applying it, or you’re still getting comfortable with the way in which it flows to and through you, it’s time to step it up.

Yes, intuition is a skill and can be considered a gift in some. Some of you are gifted. Others will become so. It is your destiny. Some will sharpen skills to a degree that they could not have imaged. All of you will put your knowings to good use in service.

What is critical to understand is that intuition is not a power.

You cannot control the world with intuition. It is, however, your upstairs telephone. Your internal morse code. Intuition is your superior algorithm, far beyond what man has created thus far.

Let’s keep it that way.

Now more than ever, as we round a critical bend of evolution, its time to take your intuitive skills and their development seriously. Play time is over. 

Intuition will both evolve you and keep you safe. How? Your intuitive system is an eternal, soul-catalyzed evolutionary instrument.

It is designed to both elevate you, enabling you to touch the heart and face of God, remembering what you are, while simultaneously being hot wired for self-preservation.

Regarding the emails many of you have written to me lately, I hear you. โค๏ธ Your words are laced with worry and concern. My reminder is always: “Trust what you feel and know to be true for you.”

Listen to your own internal wisdom and become your wisest voice.

Stay informed during this unique time as it unfolds. If you watch the news, I recommend you don’t watch just one channel.

By watching multiple news channels, even for 10 or 15 minutes, you'll experience the multiple faces of truth, perspectives, lies, and some of the most highly-skilled gaslighting I have ever witnessed.

Okay you may be disgusted, but give it a chance. Rise above and see what’s really going on. We need to hear many voices to clarify our path. 

To watch multiple channels contradict each other is, to say the least, is interesting. To witness selected images and consistent themed words across various anchor’s platforms will, at some point, reveal the ridiculousness of it all and bring you back home to yourself.

We cannot become so bias that our bias keeps us bound. Values, not bias, will help set us on the path. 

Do you want to find truth in the public forums? Here is what you do.

Intuitively read the newscaster’s energy, without your bias. There is no bias with intuition, as intuition is neutral. They are being who they are. They are doing their job.

As you intuitively assess you will see the thoughts careening, displaying bias, preference, narratives, tasks at hand, beliefs, values, etc. Make an intelligent assessment from that point on. Be an observer. Compare and contrast. Sit with new ideas and perspective. See what's truth, not "true."

Intuitively read their nervous systems while they’re speaking — live or prerecorded. You can do that as your intuitive system is without time/space restrictions. 

Ground and make certain you’re ready to do this. As it can throw you for a loop to watch people battle through truths and non-truths. The nervous system is an instant feedback loop, demonstrating congruency and in-congruency with each and every word.

Fact and fiction is displayed instantly because your intuitive system is a truth-detector. After all, you know when you’re not being forthcoming with yourself, right?

You’ll never look at the news in the same way. You already know real journalists are few and far between. Commentators are paid to be pot stirrers, to increase revenues through advertisement, and that requires shazam and bazinga stories, clipped and narrated per respective bias.

You and I have a front row seat to a truly evolutionary time. Consciousness is on deck to awaken or to be kept asleep. It’s risky, wild, and extraordinarily interesting.

Trust yourself. Keep informed and look beyond the surface to seek the truth. This is not the time to have one’s head in the sand.

To become more skilled with accessing and applying intuitive data, no matter the context, you have to practice.

We are front row, front line e-volutionaries. Those who are awake within this world have more responsibility to stay even, observant, extend olive branches with clear voices, and make changes that help all people, planet, and economies.

Here is a link to free resources to help you. For those of you who have worked with me, some may be familiar.

Intuitive Development Resources

I created this resource page so you have a place to go when things feel rocky in the next several months and beyond. These practices will help calm your body and mind, and elevate your intuitive skills. 

These practices are fundamental and you can never practice the fundamentals enough! 

Save the link in your Favorites on your browser or download them.

What I’d really like you to do is use them. Don’t try to practice them all at once. Choose one or two that intuitively feel relevant to you right now.

Live in the NOW for sure.That’s the realistic way to be. Here and now with peace, an open heart, and a sharp intuitive mind.

Peace comes from a synergistic and elevated level of knowing — the connected cartography of your life. What’s now, new, and next is right here.

What you need in the moment will be delivered to you right when you need it. Don’t let your doubting mind, or a mind that has been convinced by outside sources — social media and the like — simultaneously dictate and track how you 'should' feel and respond to your world.

Tech is the way we move through the world. I use it and enjoy it. It don't let it dictate what I think. I get my dopamine hits from laughter with family and things that are truly important to my heart and soul. Not from "likes." Technology is a tool, not your life's trainer or tutor. Use it intuitively. 

 You cannot give technology that much power, as it wants you to hand it all over. You know this. They are algorithmic spell-casters par excellent.

 Your world is part of my world. We are part of the world. Trust yourself. Practice the practices. 

Intuitive Development Resources

Your primary call for your entire blessed life is to answer the call of your own Spirit. May these practices support you to be balanced and awake.

 With love and respect for your inner courage and kindness…



 P.S. Missed a few of my podcast? No worries. You can catch up on them here. A stream of new shows is ready for release. This week, I just had to write this message out! 






Calm your body, find balance, and understand your empathic gifts

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