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Episode #008

Compassion Within the Fire of Anxiety | Part 2

Dr. Christine, my sister, and I have a conversation about anxiety and the waves of anxiety she has experienced. She wondered, ‘Does everyone feel this?’ In Part 2, we will talk about the differences between sympathy, empathy, and compassion. We also chat about how all beings can feel compassion, empathy, and joy. 

Show Highlights

[02:00] My sister’s mind is like an electrical engineer, as she thinks of every aspect of organization involved in every project. This process can create anxiety or impeccability. Even so, she has had moments where anxiety has been overwhelming and felt destructive.

[04:00] Placing your compassionate mind on yourself, then moving this emotion down the chain of command or trajectory to a global level where you share a sense of global compassion.

[06:00] Dr.Christine reveals that she isn’t sure if she has ever felt compassion. Big show stopper! 

[07:53] My sister's assessment is that she is an analytical and critical thinker, not a judgmental person.

[10:14] When she sees that something is wrong, out of whack, or not performing, her instinct is to solve the problem. Dr. Christine does this with the intent of allowing the individual to achieve their highest potential.

[12:21] Compassion develops over time through contemplative practices. This is a very clarifying presence of mind; it needs to be understood, as it can be a beneficial part of our lives. The awareness of compassion, the ability to appreciate or love people right where they are, envelopes that sense of compassion as a place of non-judgment.

[14:55] Making a simple, inward promise to yourself, allowing compassion to awaken within you, which can hold this level of space.

[15:58] Everything you have inside of you - your talents, perspective, your gifts, your compassion, the excitement and joy you have for life are all there for you. Explore your emotions and be present for yourself. You are never alone and are always loved.


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